Re-training Chickens to Roost?


Jesus Loves You
May 25, 2020
Western Washington
Hey everyone, I am trying to figure out how to train my chickens to roost. When I started raising chickens a couple of years ago, I bought a chicken coop kit, but at the time I didn't realize how badly made the roosts were, which were situated about an inch or two off the ground. My hens refused to roost on them and instead slept in the nesting boxes. I now have a newly-built coop with proper roosts, but my chickens, after all these years, insist to sleep on the floor. Any tips or ideas on how to re-train them to roost on them?
Thank you for responding! I have doors on the nesting boxes and close them at night to keep the hens from sleeping in there, but instead, they sleep on the floor. I have a Welsummer, an Australorp, an Ameracauna, a Buff Orpington, and a Rhode Island Red in the coop, along with a Cochin Bantam, two Silkies, a Polish, a Cuckoo Maran, and a Wyandotte in the brooder. I will definitely try putting them on the roosts at night.
Hey everyone, I am trying to figure out how to train my chickens to roost. When I started raising chickens a couple of years ago, I bought a chicken coop kit, but at the time I didn't realize how badly made the roosts were, which were situated about an inch or two off the ground. My hens refused to roost on them and instead slept in the nesting boxes. I now have a newly-built coop with proper roosts, but my chickens, after all these years, insist to sleep on the floor. Any tips or ideas on how to re-train them to roost on them?
I have the same problem. My Buff Orpington pullets refuse to roost. They sleep on the floor of the coop cuddled together. When they are free ranging in the yard they love to take naps on my ladder and low hanging tree limbs... seems weird they won't roost at night on the provided 2x4. Curious if anyone has a solution. I'm adding 4 more chickens to my flock of 3 and don't want them to be pooped on.
I know exactly what you mean! Throughout the day they roost on practically anything as they free-range, the worst place is on the coop roof where I can't get them, but once it is night, they just sleep in a pile on the floor!
Try having a different variety of roosts, if they don't like the 2x4, try it turned around on the side so the 4 inches is turned up

Give them different materials to roost on

Also if you have a wider roost they can cover their toes better and won't get frostbite.

Can you provide a picture of the inside of your coops
Sure, let me know if you need more photos.
That is a really nice coop


Here is a diagram I drew for you. The Bantams will need a roost about 2-3 feet of the ground, and the standards about 4 feet high, so you can put the bantam roost along the brace above the door and the roost will run the length of the coop, the other on I suggest putting a brace about in the middle of the height Ex. coop is 7 feet high, put the roost 4 feet high. That roost will also run the length of the coop. This should work for now with the current amount of chickens you have, and before I say anything else I ask what the dimensions of the coop are

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