READ B4 REPLYING - Why aren't my chickens laying eggs i need to know ASAP

Oct 26, 2017
Hey chicken experts in BYC! I'm sure some of you will be able to tell me what's going on.

We have 7 chickens, and they usually lay about 6 eggs a day.About 3 weeks ago, I noticed my chicken's egg production was slowing down a lot. They only would lay about 4 eggs a day. I thought, well it will be fine, maybe their just slacking a little today. But, 1 week later, the egg production went down to about 3 eggs a day. This really started to worry me. I did research online diligently, but none of them seemed to match my problem. Some said molting, but NONE of them have bald spots or feathers missing anywhere, there's even no feathers laying around in the coop/run area. Ok, so recently we have been getting maybe 1 egg a day. A lot of days we will get none. WHY? I'm sure there are experts out there who can help me with this problem. I need to know ASAP! Thanks all in advance.
3 of them are 2 years old, 4 of them are 1 year old.
The 2 year-olds are due to moult, no matter what. That is why the pros cull them at that age. They will take the winter off, but the 3rd year is often not worth it. My Orpingtons were not worth the feed at age 3, in my opinion. But, they were good in chicken noodle at 3!

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