READERS! I know you're out there! Anyone...

I'm glad I read this before I asked if anyone's got the Kindle. I just ordered one for myself. I've been waiting since they came out-- never could justify it before, but we moved this year, out of state, and my old dentist's office sent me a refund check for money they'd overcharged me!!!!! (this is the second one-- they did their books and found an error with the insurance and what they had billed me). I decided since it was nearly the exact amount as the Kindle, that now was the time to buy!!!

Do you love it?

I LOVE IT. There are some things, certain first editions, reference books, cookbooks, graphic novels, etc., that I will still want to own in traditional book form, but holy cow, I love this little machine.

The price always staggered me, so I was grateful when my mom got it for me for my birthday. But you know, when you consider that you get FREE internet access via Whispernet FOREVER, it really looks like a much better deal than at first blush! I mean, can you imagine if Blackberry put out a device that cost $350 and had NO subscription fee?

OK, so you can't talk on the phone on your Kindle. But by golly, you can do just about everything else on it--even email. Get the Windwalker Kindle guide (it's cheap), and it will walk you through all that kind of stuff. I have my Google Reader page bookmarked on mine so that I can read all my favorite blogs on my Kindle for free. YAY!

I can't wait to get it. Looks like delivery is about 2 weeks away-- I want it now, LOL.

BTW, I put in a friends request at GoodReads-- I just signed up (Annette)
Heh--you'll love it.

Oh, and the Joe Hill book: If you like Stephen King (I am a HARDCORE fan), yes, you'll like this. I'm only about halfway through, though. It's very fast-paced, actually paced more like a short story, so I'm trying to figure out how he's going to keep this up with so much more book left to go!

One of the only things I don't like about the Kindle (besides learning how to NOT accidentally turn pages all the time) is the lack of traditional page numbers. You just have these dots that show you how far along you are, and some weird "location" numbers.
Is anyone still interested in a book exchange? I am reading Thin Dark Line by Tami Hoag right now. I know it's old and I probably already read, but I don't know. Anyhoo, I have a bunch of paperbacks along those lines, mystery, suspense, copy novels, lawyer novels, and a few cheesy modern day romance-ish things.
Wicked King fan!!! Have been since I was a kid- and more since moving to Maine. Even more after I was first in Maine and lived one town over from where his summer place was ( and where he had his unfortunate accident) and even more still having breakfast in that small tiny town in the back of the small tiny store that did breakfast- one morning while he was there. It was cool
I don't live in that part of Maine, but do live only a couple hours from Bangor where he lives
I'm about to go through several boxes of books, and I'm going to CULL mercilessly! I'll try to remember to post here first, in case I might have some you'd like. I know I've read some Tami Hoag, but I'll be darned if I can recall just what at the moment.
Oh, you also have to read Denison's "Winter's Tales".

Joe Hill has won tons of awards for his short fiction, and his first book, "20th Century Tales," won the Bram Stoker Award and two British Fantasy Awards. He never used his real last name, because he wanted to make it on his own merits, not as the son of Stephen King.

King's youngest, Owen, is also a published author, but I haven't gotten around to reading his short fiction yet.

Thanks Ninja..i'll check them out!
Well...I'm absolutely on the edge of my seat this morning...... I got an email yesterday that my Kindle has been shipped-- and due to arrive TODAY!! I hope so-- but with the weather we have I'm not getting my hopes up for today, but we'll see...... I was very nervous after logging in to a few days ago to see that the Kindle isn't even up on the main page anymore, because, once again, it's sold out, with a 12-14 week estimate for new arrivals. I ordered mine on 11/14, and figured maybe I wouldn't get mine-- but it shipped!!!! I can't wait to have it in my hands!!!
I wish---- but I really don't have any to swap. The one's I've got are my keepers--before we moved here in March I gave away anything that wasn't a "must have!"
I read like a fiend but I usually just hit up my public library or use the inter-library loan system. I even have my library card number memorized.

I like curling up with a good book; I can't quite imagine curling up with a Kindle, though.

"Get out. There's nothing for you here. All I have is those rectangular objects called books." (Never-Ending Story)
I'm not sure I'll stop reading "real" books-- but I like to have something to read with me all the time. Whether we're out for a ride doing errands, or I'm at work ( when my residents have gone to bed and my paperwork is done, I can read-- sometimes for a couple hours a work shift), or for when we go visit relatives (which isn't often, but it will be). I'm usually reading a few books at a time, so it's just not convenient to carry multiple books, plus a purse, etc.. I know I'm going to love it!

Edited to add: Where I live now, the library system is nearly non-existent. I've got a choice of 2 libraries-- 1 of them is 25 miles away, the other 10. The closer one is open every other Saturday for 4 hours. I happen to work on those Saturdays at those times. The nearest bookstore is 60 miles away, so no digging through bargain bins for me! Part of moving to the "sticks", I've had to adapt. When I lived in Massachusetts, the library system was incredible!! I could browse online, and order whatever I wanted through the interlibrary loan system, and they'd call me when it came in. I don't have the option here
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