Ready for the Plague???

My ducks love to eat them! (Includeing the ocassional frog in the kiddie pool they eat
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Like chicken, of course!

We had our last cicada explosion in 2004. Here in Ohio, we have them every 17 years, so we've got a few years to prepare still. :p
they remind me of one of my favorit summers growing up.

we were on the powwow trail, it was a good year, mom made good money that year so we weren't alway scrimping during the traveling

i remember being along side a swamp at one point, moss hanging form the trees, everyone setting up camp, the sky was getting dark and people were talking, laughing. the tourists had left, camp fires were going and th smell of food filled the air, mingling with the sound of the cicadas. they rose and fall and i walked along the swamps edge, dodging in and out with a couple of other kids form the trail.

we had ditched our regalia and were all barefoot. we climbed trees catching the cicadas, counting how many we could catch then letting them go, then we played foot ball with someone's shoe.

we were sun burned, and thankful for the cooling night air. hen we ate dinner we regailed our parents with tales of how many of those things we found. That was a magical time in my life.

One of my earliest memories , were of being in a back yard , barefoot again, with my mother, discovering their shells, playing with them, my mother explaining their life cycle. i was very little but i remember it clearly.
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I didn't know what that was but I just googled it.....that's a super creepy looking bug!!

I know here in NH they were talking a little while ago about an obnoxious amount of Stink Bugs in some places....saw one yesterday in my window. Man I hope we don't get too many of them!
Free chicken food!!

BTW, I've snacked on teriyakied grasshoppers (yummy) but I've never tried a cicada. Maybe this year I will. I know it would help my food budget.

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