Ready for winter

Maxine Green

6 Years
Nov 19, 2016
Greencastle, IN
Just finished cleaning the chicken house and got it ready for winter here in Indiana.
Nov 2020.jpg

I put pine shavings on their shelves for the first time this year. My guys are not sure exactly what to think. They are treated like pets more than anything else. I turn a heat lamp on for them if the temp goes below freezing. I have an older hen (10ish) and she had never had the water in her house to freeze.
North side.jpg

ele water.jpg

Not sure how they will adjust to the shavings but I'm hoping for the best and my guys spend a happy comfortable winter
Up here in Nova Scotia we don't use a heat lamp as if the chickens adjust to that and then the power goes out they have a much higher risk of exposure as they haven't adapted to the cold. As long as there are no drafts and good ventilation you don't need the extra heat. Just be aware of that incase it's cold and the power goes out as you'll want to make sure they have heat if they are use to it. Shavings will definitely help keep them warm and spoiled :) Interesting shape to the coop - its original and funky in a good way!
I love the coop colors! Do you always have something on the shelves? I feel like my chickens would just kick it off haha.
Up here in Nova Scotia we don't use a heat lamp as if the chickens adjust to that and then the power goes out they have a much higher risk of exposure as they haven't adapted to the cold. As long as there are no drafts and good ventilation you don't need the extra heat. Just be aware of that incase it's cold and the power goes out as you'll want to make sure they have heat if they are use to it. Shavings will definitely help keep them warm and spoiled :) Interesting shape to the coop - its original and funky in a good way!
The chickens seem to use the steps according to their position in the flock, the top birds roost on the top shelves. I'll try leaving the heat off but don't want to have to thaw out water. Luckily we don't have electrical outages often.
The chickens seem to use the steps according to their position in the flock, the top birds roost on the top shelves. I'll try leaving the heat off but don't want to have to thaw out water. Luckily we don't have electrical outages often.

We have a heated base to our 5 gallon waterer - so convenient in the cold :)

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