Ready to be a chicken Mama!

Thanks to all of you who welcomed me into the 'flock' so nicely!

Dave (my S/O) and I were talking more about where the run is going to go and about dividing it down the middle since we want two different types of birds. We would like Buff Orps for layers/pets and Jersey Giants or a large heritage/dual purpose breed for meat. The division down the middle of the coop/run was suggested by a friend of ours who does the same thing and says it works very well for them. Their Giants get huge and apparently eat different feed than the regular layers so separating them is a good idea. I would like my layers to be pets as well so I'll probably try not to get too attached to our meat chickens and they will be ready to cull within 10-12 weeks so I don't want the layers to wonder what happened to their friends so fast!!

Anyway, we're talking about a fairly large coop and I've been doing my research on all different designs and am going to try and incorporate the best ideas into the final draft. Regardless whether or not they're layers or d/p birds, we plan on treating our lovelies the best we can! I have read quite a bit on all of the natural methods of care, what diseases and illnesses to watch for and how to treat them and where the reputable hatcheries are. We will eventually work other livestock into the plan (a couple of beef cows, some Hampshire hogs and a few goats) down the road. We would like to be as sustainable as we can be (you should see the size of the garden plot! A full acre!!!)

So, the chickens are my first desire and I believe will be the most fun and interactive. We are so remote out here in the prairie that I don't think there will be any cause for alarm when I decide later to have more and more little birdies!!! I have always had 'flock fever' but have never been where I could actually raise any. Now, that's not a problem!! Our geographical location is South West Idaho out in the middle of nowhere but there are lots and lots of farms and ranches with lots and lots of livestock and many farmers/ranchers who are more than educated in raising livestock so there are lots of people I can talk to for suggestion/advice. The trick is nailing them down long enough to ask them anything!!! Movers and shakers are they!!!

In the meantime, I'll be asking, searching and reading all I can here on BYC and will be copying and pasting any piece of knowledge you present to me! Thank you again for all of your kind comments and welcomes!


So after taking a look at the Learning Center and the info on picking the right breed for you, I have changed my mind almost instantly!!! What I thought were going to be the best breeds for us turned out completely WRONG! I've been taking notes and I c/p the beautiful chart that was made and boy, do I still have a lot to learn!! What a wealth of knowledge is available here!! So much for listening to a local 'yolkel' (Ha!)!! Looks like the Cornish Cross is our better choice for a meat giver and the Austorlorpe, Americauna or the Speckled Sussex will be our 'current' choices for layers! Wow. I have so much more to learn than I thought!!


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