Ready to go to coop?


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2017
Northwest Arkansas
Think they are ready to go outside to coop? They are just at 5 weeks old. Overnight temp at about 60 degrees.
I just put mine (4 weeks and 5 days old) in the coop for the first overnight tonight. They've been out during the days for about a week now. Temps in 80s during the day, never below 60 at night. Mine do have feathers on their heads though, it looks like yours still have down.
At those temps, your chicks will do fine in the coop. If they've been spending time outdoors, they need no acclimatizing, but if you're moving them from indoors and they've been under heat, they would do well to spend a few days outdoors before they move into the coop to sleep.

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