Short Outside Exploring?

Just thinking out loud (no experience) but maybe its a good idea to take the 4 weeks old outside and keep the two weeks old inside on cold days for a another week or 2.
I definitely want to keep the littles inside, but I only have 1 heater... not sure how the older ones would fare- and I need to get my coop put together I finally got it delivered on monday.
If I get their coop up and going can all of them stay with the brooder heater at night/ full time?- including the 2 week old chicks? I love hearing them peep, but the smell is getting to my family and I change their bedding every 2-3 days. and the oldest are looking at getting out of their brooder.. I fully expect to find at least 1 outside in my son's room when I get home today.
If the coop is assembled and the heat source can be moved outside with them, yes they can all go out immediately. I brood outdoors in a no-clean set up as soon as I get the chicks, with a heating pad as the heat source. My latest batch:

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