Real life Easter egg hunt...where are they laying?


Feb 14, 2022
We have a mixed flock of 9 laying hens, 5 of which we recently added to the flock. Before that our 4 hens laid fairly well, and we'd collect at least 3 eggs a day. But now, we have 9 hens all laying age and yes they have all laid, just not for me. I can tell a few of the new ones are laying we are getting eggs we didn't have before. But now my original 4 are not laying. Is it heat, stress, is it defiance for bringing in new girls ? And some of the new ones aren't either. They are free range daily, cooped nightly. They have plenty of nesting boxes. Are they possibly laying outside and if so how do I get them to use the nesting box... I know the egg or golf ball trick but how can I make them actually go in the box?
Any advice or tips or tricks would be awesome.
I would first be sure they have laid and check their vent.

Have you not heard any egg songs?

Im not saying this works for everyone, but it works for me every time and maybe could be of use. I add real eggs to the nesting box and they will go in and lay there. Sometimes, its even worth locking them in it for a minute if their restless.

I’ll just say that my chickens refuse to like fake eggs. If they see one in the nest, they scream and kick it to the wall, pecking it to death. So i just use real eggs and that often does it.

Also, i notice that my chickens are rather picky when it comes to lay spots. For example, one of my chickens refuses to lay in nests and ONLY in chairs. No clue why, but thats just how she is. If your okay with it, maybe offer more different nests for them to try out.

Or just make the nests as appealing as possible and hope for that aswell, mine prefer dark areas and away from loud noises. Maybe yours are laying somewhere dark and cozy, so try looking in some of their favorite spots and you might find some.
You don't mention how long ago you added the new birds. The stress of having new additions could've put some of your old birds off lay, and the stress of being moved could've stopped the new ones from laying, if they were previously laying.

If you're in an area with high temperatures the heat could also be affecting laying.
You don't mention how long ago you added the new birds. The stress of having new additions could've put some of your old birds off lay, and the stress of being moved could've stopped the new ones from laying, if they were previously laying.

If you're in an area with high temperatures the heat could also be affecting laying.
Oh yes. My serama didn’t lay for about 2 or something weeks after we got her and she was at laying age.
Are they possibly laying outside and if so how do I get them to use the nesting box... I know the egg or golf ball trick but how can I make them actually go in the box?
Any advice or tips or tricks would be awesome.
Fake eggs alone won't likely do the trick.
Free range birds sometimes need to be 'trained'(or re-trained) to lay in the coop nests, especially new layers. Leaving them locked in the coop/run for a week or so can help 'home' them to lay in the coop nests. Fake eggs/golf balls in the nests can help 'show' them were to lay. They can be confined to coop and maybe run 24/7 for a few days to a week, provided you have adequate space and ventilation, or confine them at least until mid to late afternoon. You help them create a new habit and they will usually stick with it. least for a good while, then repeat as necessary.

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