Really sick ckicken. Need some ideas.


11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
Friday one of the buff orps was just standing by the gate. would not eat when I threw out food. I picked her up and set her in front of the food and she just stood there. Found out that she could not see. I put her in the garage and a few hours later she could see. she will eat if u put food in front of her and she will drink as long as there is water in front of her. she will drink about a 1/4 a cup at a time. she is also spitting up water after drinking. she can stand but has to use her wings to move around and spends the day sitting and scooting around. her nose and eyes are clear. Her poop is normal. Not real interested in food but loving the water. I put a vitamin and mineral supplement in the water. She can not roost but she can "grasp" with her feet. She was perfectly fine the day before. Seems like she falls asleep every few minutes. She was out with the rest of my flock free ranging with chickens, goats, ducks, and my great pry.
One of my BO hens died suddenly last week after very suddenly becoming immobile and finally went into the coop early and died later on. She drank but wouldn't eat yet she was fine the day before. I really don't know why she died. I did some research and came up with the conclusion that she died of fatty liver syndrome. Do look it up. This seems to be my response to every emergency post about sick hens but it was so sudden and I feel like if I had researched it earlier I might have prevented it. Her comb was pale and slightly swollen for some time prior to her death.
Good luck.
She feels skinny and they are not fed any corn just a commercial pellet. Dose fatty liver syndrome come from over feeding corn? I think that is what an old timer once told me.
Corn seems to be a problem in excess. But I think I gave them too many peanuts and snacks in general. (It could also be hereditary). If your hen is not over fed (and mine was only 7 lbs--BOs average 8 lbs) then it may not be the case for her. My other hens haven't had that problem and they all ate the same things. I wonder if she just ate more. Perhaps you can tell if she eats more.
The blindness is very strange. I hope someone with more experience than me responds to you soon.
She has not gotten any worse but continues to drink a lot of water. i think she may have eaten a few bites of food. still alert. but still not standing or walking just scooting around.
Have you ever wormed her? She could be weak from worms or parasites. Take a conservative approach to worming if you haven't. You might think antibiotic to help with this or some other illness. Could be a sour crop or blockage. I've had some hens 'leak' water back out their mouths on occassion. It worth keeping an eye on that though.
Excessive thirst is indicative of kidney failure. Does she have urate deposits around her vent? (they would be white and kind of grainy). I'd guess she may have Marek's Disease - it can cause blindness, paralysis and general organ failure. Do NOT worm her - worm medications are a poison and should never be given to an ill bird (or any other animal) unless there is concrete proof via fecal analysis that indicates a worm problem.
She is much worse today. i thought she had passed away this morning. she was laying on her side but when i opened the cage she moved. I set her upright and she would not open her eyes. she had drunken all her water last night. i tried to get her to drink but she just laid her beak in it. I had to go to work and was sure she would be gone when i got home but she is still alive. not moving and eyes closed. she did drink a little while i was gone.

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