Reasons to keep the rooster around ?

In addition to some of the comments already posted, I think my pullets feel much safer with the rooster present. I would think that sense of security contributes to their health and happy laying. He checks out everything first, from when I open the coop to let them in the run in the morning, to a new nest box, to any new person entering the area. I don't have a conventional roost right now, and the pullets huddle under the rooster at night as though he were momma hen. Very cute.

He also is quite beautiful, quite the gentleman, gentle to handle, and captivating to watch.
I say keep one!

Good peacekeeper, protector, exc...
Something got into our coop awhile back, when I found out I counted our chickens, not a one was missing. Our roo however had a few scratches on him.

I'm biased toward keeping a rooster. My roo always clucks to announce a tasty food and the hens come running to eat it while he just stands over watching. He announces when a large bird flys over head and the girls scatter to run for cover. I don't plan on hatching, but it's just too entertaining to have a roo around.
What I love about roosters is how sweet they are to the hens. They may not be big or strong enough to protect them physically against much but they're so dang sweet to them. Finding food and giving it to them before they eat themselves, sticking up for them, breaking up arguements, tucking them in at night. I just love my boys.
fight off the fox? Are you for real? Fight off or fight till his death? Depends on the fox and the rooster not every rooster can fight one off and that does not mean he is not worth the food. You really need to read up on rooster behavior and what their job is and what it is they do. Try this thread...but understand we are talking a 13lb rooster and LUCK and circumstance...
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I would never expect any rooster to fight off a fox and no one else should, either! Cetawin's Lancelot is the very rare exception to the rule and if she hadn't come to his rescue at the time that she did, it might have ended in a completely different way.
Roosters ROCK! We who keep and love our boys for our many various reasons could tell you this all day. But until you let one into your heart, and into your flock, you are NEVER going to know the joys and delights of having a rooster in your midst. As for me and my girls, we'll ALWAYS have several of the boys around.
They get to be kind of like Lay's Potato Chips, ya know....You can't stop at just one!
Too true!

Also they really can contribute towards the safety and security of the flock. My girls have certainly come to depend on Poppa Rooster to help find food, keep them together, break up their squabbles (think girls on the 2nd grade playground here), and warn them of danger.

All of that and they can be stunningly beautiful! Oh yeah they procreate too. lol!

We've eighty plus chickens including ten roos, all of whom give alarms, find food and generally maintain order in the flock. There have been one or two brawls sorting out the Big Boss position but nothing that wasn't resolved with a broom. Dominant roos stay with the main flock whilst the lesser ones have a few hens to themselves and stay out of the way. All of them share the coops without trouble - guess we're lucky there.

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