Recipe photo submission contest Win a BYC Cookbook or GFM!

I will be making Saddinas holiday cookies, gumpsgirl's chicken enchiladas, and a few others! Is it cheating if you're a photographer?!
Katharina's German Cream of Wheat

This is a wonderful and easy recipe. Children love it especially. Best is does contain protein, and is very well suited for an ill person. I personally love it anytime. This recipe is for 2 servings.

1 cup of milk
3 heaping tablespoons of cream of wheat
1.5 heaping tablespoons of sugar (1/2 tablespoon of honey can be used instead)
1 duck egg (1 large chicken egg can be used instead)
canned strawberries or other berries as a topping

Bring the milk to a boil in a small sauce pan. Add cream of wheat and sugar. Stir constantly until it thickens. Take off the heat, add the egg and whisk rapidly to mix in the egg. Return to heat for one more minute so cook the egg.

Serve on a plate with canned strawberries. Cranola crumbles can be added for a crunchy taste.
Katharina's German Butter Pound Cake

2 sticks butter at room temperature (250g)
3/4 cup granulated sugar (150g)
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 dash of salt
4 duck eggs or 4 extra large chicken eggs
2 1/2 cups wheat flour or all purpose flour (300g)
4 level teaspoons of baking powder
2 tablespoons milk

This is a super easy recipe. You need a loaf pan 10 x 4 x 4 deep or any other baking pan you like. The pan needs to be buttered and dusted out with flour. Preheat oven to 350F or 180C.

Cream butter with hand mixer and add sugar, salt, milk and vanilla extract. Beat until creamy. Add one egg at a time beating each for about 30 seconds on high. Mix baking powder with flour and slowly incorporate into the dough. Pour into the baking dish using a spatula. Bake for 15 minutes at the lower 1/3 of the oven. After 15 minutes open the oven and cut a 1/2 inch cut into the center of the cake. Return back to the oven and bake for an additional 50 minutes. Check for doneness with toothpick. Let cool on a baking rack for 10 minutes before removing from the pan.

This is a basic recipe. Raisins, nuts or chocolate chips can be added for different flavors. Vanilla extract can be exchanged with other flavorings like rum or orange. Doug can be divided and half can have some powdered chocolate added to create a marble cake. The rum flavor works well for chocolate versions.

My recipe calls for duck eggs, which will make it extra lofty the silky tasting. Regular chicken eggs will work well too.
I made the Sticky Buns recipe by BYC Favorites. It made three pans so I baked one, refrigerated one and froze one. They are yummy. DH has chosen to eat them for dinner over my fried chicken and pasta. The recipe, however, is very confusing, especially the directions. I didn't realize this until my dough was rising. I just flew by the seat of my pants and did what I though I should do. Here they are:


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