Recommend me a rat proof feeder?

Apr 6, 2022
Im a soon to be chicken mama (school hatched silkie chicks will be coming to me as soon as they are big enough for the coop and we have checked which are girls!)

Im keen to do what I can to prevent rodents in the forst place rather than waiting until theres a problem to deal with.

Ive looked at treadle feeders and read threads here but there are so many all with conflicting reviews that im confused, grandpas seems highly rated but also very noisy which concerns me a little that it will frighten the chickens/annoy neighbours if its constantly clanging.

Ive seen the rat proof feederade by a poster on here and it looks amazing but im unfortunately in the uk so need an option available here.

Thank you!
Im a soon to be chicken mama (school hatched silkie chicks will be coming to me as soon as they are big enough for the coop and we have checked which are girls!)

Im keen to do what I can to prevent rodents in the forst place rather than waiting until theres a problem to deal with.

Ive looked at treadle feeders and read threads here but there are so many all with conflicting reviews that im confused, grandpas seems highly rated but also very noisy which concerns me a little that it will frighten the chickens/annoy neighbours if its constantly clanging.

Ive seen the rat proof feederade by a poster on here and it looks amazing but im unfortunately in the uk so need an option available here.

Thank you!
I keep open feeders in my run year round.
I've never taken them in at night.
They always have at least some dry feed in them.
I've never had a rat problem.
Most rodents sneak out at night to take advantage of old feed.
They can't get into my coop and run because of the 1/2" hardware cloth walls and 2' apron. Except some little mice that squeeze through the door frame gap in the run. I have to install a full length door stop to prevent their entry during the winter. That is the only time I see signs of them entering the run. When I do see signs, I set out two mouse traps inside a small wire dog crate that the chickens cannot get into or get their heads into but the mice can. I keep trapping them until they are eliminated. I've never trapped more than 9 mice in a one week period for an entire winter.
I keep open feeders in my run year round.
I've never taken them in at night.
They always have at least some dry feed in them.
I've never had a rat problem.
Most rodents sneak out at night to take advantage of old feed.
They can't get into my coop and run because of the 1/2" hardware cloth walls and 2' apron. Except some little mice that squeeze through the door frame gap in the run. I have to install a full length door stop to prevent their entry during the winter. That is the only time I see signs of them entering the run. When I do see signs, I set out two mouse traps inside a small wire dog crate that the chickens cannot get into or get their heads into but the mice can. I keep trapping them until they are eliminated. I've never trapped more than 9 mice in a one week period for an entire winter.
Its reassuring to hear that chickens dont necessarily mean a rat invasion, its probably my main worry. Ill just do what i can with keeping food away and rat proofing and try not to worry so much.
There are similar inward swinging door treadle feeders available in the UK, shipping costs would be high trying to import one of mine. Just look for a narrow treadle if possible, the further away it is the more rat proof. Inward swinging door of course. Not aware if any of the UK feeders have a spring pre load on the door which is a huge help if you already have rats.

As far as having chickens, you will eventually get rats unless you are hand feeding twice a day. Even a poor feeder like the Chinese made Grandpa feeder can help prevent the rats from colonizing. But there will be EU made feeders available so please spend your money on a feeder from a civilized country if possible. Avoid those with plastic parts. The wire mesh treadle floors are a gimmick, avoid those, litter and poo will filter through quickly and jamm the treadle. Good luck with your flock!

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