Red beak/face area


In the Brooder
Sep 20, 2023
I have 3 lovely buff orpington ladies. They are about 5 weeks old. One of the three girls has a much redder face (around beak, sides of new comb, and chin area. Is this normal variation? she has always been redder than the others, but she also has less feathers there. They are eating chick starter, chick grit and fruits and veggies. The weather is all over. They spend time in their outdoor coup during the day but brought in at dark. They have a brooder/heat available at all times. She is acting normal, eating, drinking, playing, exploring. My other two buffs look like the last photo. (That first photo her eye looks weird in camera... just the picture, not psycho).

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"I have 3 lovely buff orpington ladies." ... I think you have 2 lovely buff orpington ladies and possibly a cockerel. :)
NOOOOOOOOO..... lol! Oh my. OK. When would we know for sure? We cant keep a rooster, so when would it need to be separated?
NOOOOOOOOO..... lol! Oh my. OK. When would we know for sure? We cant keep a rooster, so when would it need to be separated?
Buff Orpingtons can be hard to tell sometimes but that comb and wattle coloring at 5 weeks is very suspect. It should be more clear by 12 to 14 weeks or when/if it starts trying to crow. As far as the actual comb not being red, they can take time to fully color up.
It's a shame you can't keep roosters cause I think that Buff Orpingtons, especially the roosters are one of the prettiest chickens. I don't have room right now but I would love to get some of that breed at some point.

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