Red Bums, and Fuzzy Feathers


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 28, 2011
Hi All,

I am hoping for some feedback and advice. I have a Rhode Island Red (Big Red) and a Buff Orpington (Henny Penny) with sore bums. At first I thought their sore bums were from the peeking order. I have a barred rock and silver laced wyndot as well. However, I do not see a lot of pecking..... I live on half an acre, and the chickens free range for about half the time, and the rest is spent in their run/coop (6x12). I have using a product called Rooster Booster which is a combination of Aloe and coal tar. Is there anything else I can do to help the sore bums and the feathers grow back?

I have also noticed that the feathers are fuzzy on my chickens as well (all of them except the BR). Is this related? what causes the fuzzy feathers?

FYI- All of my chickens are very active (eating, drinking, and forging) and producing eggs.

Thanks for your input!

I see one black and white speckeled girl who's bum seems relitavly unaffected, my guess is you have one mean a$s picking chicken on your hands.
If it isnt parasites then it can only be someone pecking feathers skin bare.
Front looks good, back looks bad = parasite, genetics, or mean chicken.

I'm guessing option #3
I see one black and white speckeled girl who's bum seems relitavly unaffected, my guess is you have one mean a$s picking chicken on your hands.
If it isnt parasites then it can only be someone pecking feathers skin bare.
Front looks good, back looks bad = parasite, genetics, or mean chicken.

I'm guessing option #3
Yeah- Think you may be right.... should I isolate the mean chicken(s) for a few days? I have a dog kennel I can put them in.
My advice is all based on how much time you have.

If you have time, get out there with your girls and play rooster. When the unaffected girl is in the flock with the others push her aronud a bit, show everyone that you are top girl / boy and they need to respect you. If you see her peck the others, even just lightly then pick her up and hold her a while. Show her that's not ok and you are the big roo for this flock. When you hold her for pecking, make sure its not "comfortable" so she doenst assoicate you with happyness and peck just to be picked up.
You dont have to be truly mean or violent, just make sure your grasp is inconvienent. If its cute and cuddly, then the chick will learn that plucking feathers is a good thing to do.

One everyone recognizes that you are top cluck they will start being nicer to each other and work out flock dynamics in a no partisan way.

The other way is to crate her.
This way isnt as reccomended as she can come back after as little as a week as the really low end new girl after everyone has learned hazing = top cluck.
If you're lucky they will calm down and work it out, then when she comes back she'll just get the brunt end of the peck order.
If you're unlucky and the other girls have patterned on pluck feathers = best the old top cluck will be in for some hurt on her behind from everyone.

Chickens are responsive animals so combine crate and self rooster as much as you can.
When you cant watch crate, then release everyone under supervision and get in there and peck with your hands and fingers to encourage or discourage behavior as you see fit.
Just like the military even a short time of supervision will make a life long change so long as you keep it consistant for every lesson.

Hope that I'm helping and this is the real problem and not just spattering on about my own opinion when its really some obsucre parasite.
Good luck and hope it works out!

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