Red, featherless butts


Dec 6, 2017
I’m attaching a picture of what I’m taking about.... I have 3 Dominickers I got in November at 7 months old. They came to me looking like this, only one of them has grown feathers and a tail on her butt. The other two remain with red, naked, yucky looking butts. Does anyone know if this is behavioral plucking and pecking or if they have parasites? They are voiding and eating and laying eggs normally and do not seem bothered by this at all. Any help is appreciated! Thank you!


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Looks like they have been trying to self-correct mites. It could be behavioral, but I have a stronger feeling that it is mites.
Looks like they have been trying to self-correct mites. It could be behavioral, but I have a stronger feeling that it is mites.
I agree, I think it's from mites. You can purchase a spray treatment, maybe even a powder form to help with this. I use wood ash for a dust bath that works as a natural repellent.
I hope those red behinds look better real soon!
Good luck!:thumbsup
Ok great I’ll give treatment a try!! They’re not that tame and catching them will be difficult- how do I apply the treatment? Can DE be spread on the ground for them to kick up? Or is it a feed additive? I’ve heard of both....
Check them over good for bugs. If it is then Get some Poultry dust with Premithrin. Pick up each bird and dust the skin around their vents, under their wings and I put some on the back of the neck too. Make sure to get down to the skin, wear a mask and do it in a well ventilated area. You will also need to treat your coop. Dust birds and treat coop twice, 7 days apart. I just went thru this with my flock. Not red, bare butts, but their beard feathers were gone and I seen the critters when I looked at the skin around their vents.

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