Red Fox is back


10 Years
Jan 20, 2010
I thought he was gone after the last incident 2 months ago. He must be a patient creature- we finally felt safe enough to let the chickens free range for a while in the yard for a few hours and then when our backs were turned, he killed a leghorn hen, two production red hens, my last EE chick, and two production red/leghorn cross chicks (including the only pullet) from that cross.

What's a good way to get rid of a fox? I'm thinking catfood and antifreeze!
With cat food and antifreeze, you're likely to kill every pet cat and dog in the neighborhood. In addition to that, it's a horrible death from kidney failure. Shoot or trap the darn thing.
The last red fox problem we had was solved by an AR-15.

Antifreeze is still poisonous, but most brands are now non palatable. Instead of being sweet tasting, they are bitter. If you look around, you can still get the bad stuff.
2 months?? wow, I had one last weekend attack a hen, I chased it and got her back. She died a few days later, but I have kept them up this week and was thinking it would be safe to let them out now. But I guess it never is when a fox is in the area. I don't see how you would shoot one. They come in so fast and are gone just as fast. Do you have to stake out the chickens and follow them around your property waiting? If you see one fox how many does that indicate are in the area?
This time of year if you see a fox, there is usually a mate and 3-5 kits in the area. Around here the kits are about two thirds grown now. The dog and vixen will soon be teaching them how to hunt.
in NC alot of the fox are greys if she is healthy and there is plenty of food , I have counted 9 scars on the pup tubes here where I am south east VA / NE NC . semi auto .22 works good on them I have a friend watched 2 of his peafowl get done in by fox before he could get to his rifle he keeps it a lot closer these days I help him out during trapping season

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