Red Partridge Orpington informational hatch thread

I do have a question about one of my friend's eggs. It looks perfectly fine on the outside, but when candled, has what look like cracks, but also wider light areas that are too broad and wide to be cracks... And are completely invisible on the outside of the shell when not being candled. What are those? Are they a problem? I must note that my friend's eggs are very thin-shelled. Are those just areas of very thin shell?
Did you candle all eggs before setting?
Hard to say if those are actual cracks, or maybe 'repaired' cracks...<shrugs>
I'd keep a close eye on them, hopefully they don't start oozing.
Did you candle all eggs before setting?
Hard to say if those are actual cracks, or maybe 'repaired' cracks...<shrugs>
I'd keep a close eye on them, hopefully they don't start oozing.
I candled mine, to check for shipping damage, but didn’t candle hers since she had just collected them that day... Now I’m thinking I should have candled all of them before setting. Will check on the suspicious egg again tonight.
I candled mine, to check for shipping damage, but didn’t candle hers since she had just collected them that day... Now I’m thinking I should have candled all of them before setting. Will check on the suspicious egg again tonight.
I candle them all, and trace the air cell as a start point.
Have found a couple cracks and some floaters.
I make notes on the egg for the iffy or odd ones.
I candle them all, and trace the air cell as a start point.
Have found a couple cracks and some floaters.
I make notes on the egg for the iffy or odd ones.
Good approach. I find it hard to see the air cell on fresh eggs, it's so small and not as clearly defined as later on. But checking for cracks is a good idea. I shouldn't assume that just because they were collected that day from the farm next door, they are perfectly intact... I'm still very confused by the broad splotches of light though. Those don't look like your usual cracks.
Guessing it's a variance in shell thickness or porosity.....or shell was cracked part way thru shelling then 'repaired' by further shelling.
This is consistent with my observations of her eggs being very thin shelled. She gave me a whole bunch to eat as well, and their shells were paper thin :(
Awww they are so cute!!! 2 out of 3 isn't bad at all! What about the other 6? Or were they an earlier hatch? (just re-read your earlier comment and can't quite make it out)
There were originally 6, 3 made it to lockdown and two hatched.
There were originally 6, 3 made it to lockdown and two hatched.
Ah, I see... That changes things, and makes me worry. Last year only 1 out of my 6 partridges from Papa's hatched. Your 2 out of 6 is better. Maybe he has improved his stock, though the numbers are still too small to tell if it's a pattern or just chance. We'll see how many I get out of 12 this year 🤔
Interesting development. One of my hens has gone broody... I'm thinking of giving her 3 eggs from the incubator. From my friend's batch, since I don't want to risk it with my fragile (and expensive) shipped eggs. I called her and she gave me the okay, got very excited for us and the kids in particular that they'll see a mama with babies for the first time, and said we can keep the chicks if they hatch. So I'll watch the hen today and if she's still sitting by afternoon, I'll take the infertile eggs she's on right now and swap them for 3 from the incubator. How exciting! I wanted a mama hen at some point, just didn't think it would be so soon. This is one of my Barnevelders, who is about a year old and only started laying 3 months ago. I have Orpingtons of the same age, too, and expected them to go first. Who knew.

This is the third day that the broody has been sitting. The first night, I moved her back to the roost, but she went back in at first light. The second night I was going to move her again, but my husband said why don't you give her some eggs from the incubator :love Didin't expect him to be the enabler, haha. So I let her sleep in the nest the second night (last night). She's still there. I put food and water for her in the coop.

The broody has picked the perfect time. I wanted the mama hen experience at some point anyway, but right now I have eggs to give her, I have a setup to take them back if she quits at any stage (incubating or post-hatch) and put them back with the others, and, most importantly, I'm still working from home all day thanks to COVID so I can keep a close eye on things. I'm very happy! Let's just hope she sticks with it now!


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