Red ring in egg


7 Years
Apr 20, 2012
Eastern Tennessee
I couldn't wait I candled all 32 eggs at day 4 Saw veins for sure in 28 of them 3 were to dark to see through. One has a red ring what does that mean.
Whats the chances of all of them hatching that I have seen growing.
sadly the red ring could be a blood ring and that chick is no longer viable.
But I have been fooled before if i candle to early, and what I was sure was a blood ring was not!

Chances of them all hatching is impossible to predict. Temp variances, bacteria, humidity, egg age, etc

But best of luck with your future fuzzbutts....what breed?
Sounds like a blood ring to me as well which means the embryo has died. But as Spirted said at that early of a development stage it's easy to make a mistake. Candle again at seven days and you should know for sure.
usually bloodrings or deaths at any point of incubation also includes dulling or receeding of the veins so if you cant see bright red veins then its prob early death but as AT said wait till day 7 or even day 10 before you decide

i never remove eggs till day 10 regardless of what i see
that is a blood ring, it is most common in shipped eggs..the embryo is trying to get established in an unsettled environment..if the egg has accidently been roughly handled, or if it experienced a temp drp after development has begun..shipped eggs are best set in incubator stright up in turner and not touched for any reason for 7 days..this gives the embryo a chance to get established..on day 7 check carefull remembering how tiny blood vessels are forming and any sudden turns or jolts can rip those and blood ring occurs. if all air cells look settled then i turn the auto turner on..after 7 days they need to be turned because they move back and forth to prevent them form sitting in one spot in their own waste product..befor the 7 days the embryo is so small that isnt a problem ..and they do not stick to the shell, sticky chicks are caused by too much first part of incubation. quitters are sometimes an anomoly in genes and the embryo just stops., sometimes it it very rough twisting or rolling while ginger, especially with shipped eggs..eggs right out of your barn can take a lot more, those you can throw in the incubator and turn , you never see a hen sit eggs upright, she just goes to very careful, sometimes they look like a ring in the middle and its actually a developing baby.
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that is a blood ring, it is most common in shipped eggs..the embryo is trying to get established in an unsettled environment..if the egg has accidently been roughly handled, or if it experienced a temp drp after development has begun..shipped eggs are best set in incubator stright up in turner and not touched for any reason for 7 days..this gives the embryo a chance to get established..on day 7 check carefull remembering how tiny blood vessels are forming and any sudden turns or jolts can rip those and blood ring occurs. if all air cells look settled then i turn the auto turner on..after 7 days they need to be turned because they move back and forth to prevent them form sitting in one spot in their own waste product..befor the 7 days the embryo is so small that isnt a problem ..and they do not stick to the shell, sticky chicks are caused by too much first part of incubation. quitters are sometimes an anomoly in genes and the embryo just stops., sometimes it it very rough twisting or rolling while ginger, especially with shipped eggs..eggs right out of your barn can take a lot more, those you can throw in the incubator and turn , you never see a hen sit eggs upright, she just goes to very careful, sometimes they look like a ring in the middle and its actually a developing baby.
This incubation tec. work great, the last shipped eggs I got in I set up this way & they are developing great, thanks for the good info Lynne
I wish I'd red your advice sooner. I have shipped eggs in my bator right now. They were shipped across Canada, it is day 7 and I just candled tonight. I have 3 clear and two red rings. My air cells look really wonky in a couple of eggs too so I'm concerned about those ones. Oh well, that's out of my control now and I have a little more info to apply to my next hatch of shipped eggs!

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