Red Star and noise.


9 Years
Feb 13, 2010
North, MS
My next door neighbor is about 75 feet away. I will be getting 4 Red Stars (maybe 6) in two weeks. When they get old enough to be outside will my neighbors hear them and complain? What about when they get old enough to start laying, do they announce it to the whole world when they do it? I live in the city and don't won't to have any problems with my neighbors.
You mean red sex links? Mine make hardly any noise. They just make little clucks here and there. They're really great birds. You'll get lots of eggs from them.
i have had my red sex links 5 weeks now very quiet but they have not started to lay yet i also have 6 the same as u
First...good luck with your new babies when you get them. I have about 40 chickens. Other then my big mouthed never hear my girls other then an occasional cluck cluck.
I personally LOVE the sound they make and in good weather sit out near them so we can "converse" together.
I also have 7 Guineas and those can be very loud...but I still love the noise they make,.
Rochester, MA
I think it will depend on your neighbor. We also live in the city so we went around and asked our neighbors first because we didn't want problems after. Everyone was fine with it. Our hens are quiet most of the time but I will admit that occasionally they can get loud. We have buffs and one bantam. They start the bock, bock BOCK thing and the bantam sometimes sounds like a laughing hyena. So sometimes I'm looking left and right to my neighbors but so far no one has complained. Like I said, for the most part they are doing their quiet cluck cluck thing...but at least once a day I'm wondering what is going on out there. I usually go out there to check on them. Maybe they're trying to train me to come out and visit?
I have 2 RSL's

2 EE's

1 Black Minorca

One of my RSL's talks ALL THE TIME. She is adorable.

One of my EE's talks ALL THE TIME. You get the two of them together and it is jabber, jabber, jabber.

My other girls are all pretty quiet except when it's time to sing.

Ya just never know.
i have 6 hens and a roo, and they all get in on it when one lays. it is quite a rucous. i have good neighbors. give them some eggs
My two RSL's are great! They're friendly, quiet, started laying at 17 and 18 weeks, and lay big dark brown eggs almost every day. You'll love them. A 100 square foot run is plenty big enough for six hens. If you haven't built your coop yet, or even if you have, check into poop boards and/or poop pits. Also, if your run is covered the chickies will be able to use it more when the weather is bad (cuts way down on feather plucking) and it will be easy to rake up every so often and keep clean. Enjoy your new girls, your gonna love having chickens!

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