Red wine for your chickens??


12 Years
May 23, 2007
I stumbled upon a posting on a U.K. forum about giving red wine to chickens in the winter. The thread is here .

The thread started because someone had read about giving red wine to chickens on a French chicken forum (of course!), and apparently 20% of the people that responded to the thread do give the chooks wine.

We're not talking straight wine here, I don't think - one person mentioned 20cc wine per liter of water.

I'll try to post a link to a translated version of the thread on the french chicken .

Sooo... what d'ya think? I've tried googling for info, but it's hard to filter out all of the recipes that come up for chicken cooked in wine.

I mean, red wine has lots of proven health benefits for humans, lots of polyphenols that act as antioxidants...
Great excuse for me to join them.... one good thought!

Cant buy a bottle just for the chickens really can we?

Thank you.

Why not?!
Just because you're sharing it with them, doesn't mean it's not "theirs"! I wonder if this has a similar effect to apple cider vinegar? Where's the Unicorn when you need?
I read somewhere that the ancient Romans gave their chickens wine during the winter months. I don't know why or even where I read it.
Last year, when the young pullets were in their coop & run for the first time, I would go out there and sit on the upturned logs to visit with them. I would sometimes bring a glass of wine and put it on the boards lining the run. Well, wouldn't you know, but some of my girls developed quite the taste for it. After a couple glasses with grit on the bottom, I stopped with the "run-service"!
O.K., confession... I have 2 tbsp red wine/1 gallon of water in all chicken coops today. I put in in this morning. Chilly morning, so I figure, why not try it today? Sort of ease them into winter. I'll report back.

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