Red wine for your chickens??

Mine receive red wine's call Coq au Vin
Well, after a day on 2 tbsp red wine/gallon of water for my chickens, here is my report:

When I checked them around 2pm, there was no noticeable difference in behavior.

When I checked them shortly before dusk, I thought they seemed especially lively for a frigid November afternoon, but I can't tell for sure that that was the wine. I mean, they weren't singing or dancing or anything.

The French thread seems to indicate that the wine helps with egg laying. Seems silly, but hey, who knows? It would take more than a day for that to show, though, so I might keep it going for a few days.
Well, it's a little frosty tonight and I think this is the perfect excuse to go break open that Valpolicella we picked up a few days ago. Anything to keep the water from freezing!

Suppose I'll have to keep it away from the chicks though
I was wondering about this myself, I finally found organic ACV with the mother yesterday, there was also red wine vinegar I wondered of this was a usable alternative in a pinch, I would think it iis if wine is able to be used.
Since the freezing point of wine is lower than water, maybe it would help keep the chickens' water from freezing?

Maybe, if you had a high enough concentration of alcohol. At the rate I'm giving it, it doesn't keep the water from freezing - I've already cracked ice off once today!

O.K., I may be crazy, but I'm really curious about this. So far I've only found research that involved forcing chickens to imbibe a Davis Petite Syrah at full strength. Apparently they survived it, because researchers then checked their histamine levels.

The Effect of Ethanol and Wine on the Plasma Histamine Level of Chickens and Man

Fasted chickens were force-fed a 40% ethanol: water solution (v/v) or a 13.4% alcohol (v/v) Davis Petite Sirah at amounts calculated to give a 0.3% peak blood alcohol level. Blood was drawn before and at timed intervals (ranging from 2 to 150 minutes) after the force-feeding. The fluorometric determination of histamine was performed on the plasma samples with no increases in histamine level detected. Six human volunteers drank the same liquids under similar experimental guidelines. Increased plasma histamine levels were detected when a more precise HPLC method of analysis for histamine was used.​

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