Redhen - I'm incubating something for you


11 Years
May 9, 2008
Central Iowa
Do you think these eggs take 21 days?


And a special tripwire that was right at neck height.


The proud mama:

Whoa, Redhen is gonna love that! The trip wire is a great innovation - right at neck height - that's one smart momma spider. You could always package the eggs and mail them to Redhen.
That's cool but I thought it was gonna be a pig. She says she wants another one.
Awwww I want one! But I'll be good and play fair. Red should get them all since she loves them so much *kicks a rock*
Just saw this....
Yep... see how she cleverly planted the "trip wire" right at neck height??
You hit it... BAM!! She rushes in and jumps on your neck and sinks her razor sharp fangs (full of venom, i might add!), into your neck!
You flail about for a few minutes while she watches..and waits... for her venom to take affect....
Then when you are paralyzed, she jumps on you and wraps you in her web...(while she waits for her venom to break down your body, so she can slurp you up...)
OOH, but WAIT! Before she wraps you up.... she lays eggs in your eyeballs.... (while you are still alive too!.)
I'd be veeeery careful.... shes already laid the plan out for you.... its just a matter of time.
Gretch has a MUCH better idea...
Someone send me a piggy...

I'll have to ask my 19 year old son first if he wants to move in with you - he is considered an adult now - I can't make him do anything.

Oh wait - you didn't mean that kind of piggy...
Gretch has a MUCH better idea...
Someone send me a piggy...

piggy's poop a lot don't they? makes bugs wanna come out and play in it...makes spiders wanna make webs to catch playful poopy bugs... it's just an endless cycle of death and mahem and trip wires.
Gretch has a MUCH better idea...
Someone send me a piggy...

I'll have to ask my 19 year old son first if he wants to move in with you - he is considered an adult now - I can't make him do anything.

Oh wait - you didn't mean that kind of piggy...


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