Redneck Up!!!!!

DEB you just rock

you go girl and build that rocket ship,
show us all
sorry deb, had to. The nefarious prankster in me wouldn't let this one go by. If I couldn't find your secret video, I'd do like the CIA, fabricate one!
Boyd, sugar, I'll send you a belt to go with the prom dresses, ok?

*Saddi who has tripped across Boyd in at least 6 threads this afternoon*
I know, tell me about it
How ya doin Sadd

**Boyd has been cooking and cleaning all day. Lots of downtime to chat on BYC
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I'm good, clearly both of us had a bit too much time to sit at the computer today. Kids are off Star testing, and we can't monitor our own classes so... I'm keeping the chair warm. However I can relate to the belt issue, I lost 45 LBS this year, and keeping the jeans above my hips is a real struggle, each time I buy more, i've drpped sizes a few weeks later.
Dead center Riverside County, right on the edge of the sand. On the plus side, the swim suits look much better on the new figure.

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