Refridgerated eggs


12 Years
Nov 30, 2007
San Martin, Ca
Last night I pulled some eggs that were under my broody. Had an ad on CL in which someone was interested and didn't see that email until this morning. I did refridgerate the eggs last night. I know it's not good to refridgerate eggs for incubation. I am wondering can I reslip these eggs back under my broody or not? Yesterday was only day 1 or 2 for her sitting on them.


Update on these eggs. Out of 10 of these eggs that went under this hen 9 are totally forming very well. I don't think that I originally stated that my fridge gets colder than most. Since we run on propane.
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I am not mailing these eggs out. I am in Ca. and the buyer is also in Ca. Am going to let the broody try to hatch them out. I did tell him about the refridgeration and the possibility of not a good hatch rate. I just hope that the refridgeration didn't screw them up. I guess I will know in 7 or 8 days.
I would be very interested in know how they work out. It is interesting how eggs can't always survive in a frig but will keep in a nest until we get out there and get them in cold weather. I do know there are some people who do store in a frig before setting a hatch. I have never had luck with frig eggs.

Please keep us posted on this one.

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