Refrigerated eggs on day 4....

Three Cedars Silkies

11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Gainesville, Fl.
ALL HAVE VEINS!!!! My daughter was collecting eggs from our only bantam mottled cochin hen to incubate. She lays about 5 out of 7 days per week, so Robin was keeping them on the kitchen counter in a carton. When I went to pick them up 4 days ago, they were in the refrigerator. I freaked, of course!! Her grandmother thought she had left them out accidentally and had put them in the refrigerator 2 days prior. Robin was away for Army Reserve drill and wasn't there to rescue them...

I figured...what the he$$...and I took them home and put them in the incubator, along with a fresh one from that day.

I candled them today on day 4 and they are ALL developing!!!

I'm so excited. Hopefully most of the 5 will make it to "full-term"!! I'll keep you posted....
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Good luck!!

I have read on here some other people had successfully hatched refridgerated eggs.

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