Refugee Chickens

We've got 2 more nights... They are in a fluffy pine tree.. It's pretty tall.. where the big rooster sits is over my head.. Is there anything I can do to help through the next few days?

It's started raining... I asked husband to get the ladder out.. I was going to ziptie an old umbrella to the top of that tree.. he think's I'm being silly..

I also put a long 2x4 up on some blocks under the porch and ramp.. they seem to like that.. though one of the females just sits right on the ground in my flowerbed.. it's all dead now, she's not hurting anything, but it seems weird to sit on the cold ground!

I'd just leave them be. They're fine. They probably chose that specific tree because it offered shelter, and pine trees can provide a lot of shelter from the elements.

I hate to say it, from the sounds of things, if I were you, I wouldn't be around when they come to catch the chickens. As they can be very loud when pursued and caught, and I feel that you may find this heart wrenching. Let your husband and the person taking them handle the capture.
Chicken update-

Even with the rain I think we were going to try to catch them today (not I, but the others!) and then our situation changed ..

We had routine, the chickens and I.. and respect for each other.. For example

When I would arrive home, they would all come from under the porch, behind the house and gather along the driveway. I would walk calmly to the ramp and they would watch me, but not intrude on the walk way. I go in the house, get the bag of food, go back out to the porch and they would all be gathered in the grass by the porch waiting. we had like 3 days of this..

Friday night they seemed fine, it was raining and husband would not let me tie an umbrella to the tree.. but they made it through the ice storm fine, so whatever..

Saturday morning was normal.. big guy crowing by 430.. lots of chicken chatting over at the tree until about 7, then they are on the move around the yard and neighborhood. I left later than a work day, around 8:30 and they watched me leave..

When I retuned at 2:30.. they weren't there.. no one.. it was deserted. Struck me as odd.. had stopped raining.. Figured they were just late getting back from the daily wander around..

Around 4, when big guy would usually start the evening crowing.. I heard him.. I'm pretty sure because we have 2 groups of roosters to the east of me, and very rarely, to the west, way off, I can hear one. But this is to the North..

They never came back yesterday, didn't sleep here, and aren't here this morning. I hear, what I believe is him, in a new direction, not that far the usual times.. I still hear the other guys.

Husband thinks .... they must visit their original home on the daily wanders.. and Saturday morning, someone was there and caught them.

I honestly recognize the crow.. he maintains I'm silly..

My friend thinks they are fickle like a stray dog and work all the houses before they settle on one where the people are interested in them and they like it.. she also thinks I'm silly.

I can hear him now from inside.. only instead of sounding like he's sitting on the porch railing, he sounds about 4 acres away.

_sigh_ I don't know if I should be relieved or alarmed... I'm gonna go stand on the porch and listen to see if I can hear distress... or the girls chatting.. Maybe I'll check out the tree for clues ; )
Tree looks normal.. Lots of poop, no abandoned nest I could see... All the roosters are crowing.. sounds normal.. They go in a line usually... except he's a little further away...
_sigh_ I was sitting on the porch, usual time.. and I heard a noise.. like a freight train coming through the tree line.. and all 7 chickens broke out of the underbrush at a full run and began milling around like they haven't been gone for 2 nights...

What's with chickens??

The Refugee Chicken Crisis of 2018 rages on....
Those little miscreants slept somewhere else last night.. I heard them. Came strolling back about 8 am..

Is it possible they do have a chicken house somewhere, their owner is now locking them up at night and letting them wander in the day? (lots of that goes on around here.. this was the first time visitors stayed)

How could they not have cared that they didn't sleep at home for 2 weeks?

Husband thinks the the house must have been cleaned/fixed up and now they prefer that to the tree.. chickens should be left alone to their business and I need to get a hobby ; )
Morning pictures
They are very pretty. It's difficult to say whether they have a home nearby or whether they were dumped, but if they do have a home, it isn't a very good one. I say that because chickens normally don't roost far from home, unless they are hungry. It sounds like these seven are just wandering all over the place, looking for food. They do look very healthy and happy, though.

I think you need to make some decisions regarding their fates. You could let them carry on as they are, but they will probably return again and again, and they will be vulnerable to predators. But if it were me, I would try to find them a new home. That means a good coop and run, plus good food and water, at the very minimum. Finding such a person may not be easy, but there are resources available.

BYC has a re-homing forum, here:

This is a good place to advertise. Make sure you mention that the chickens are semi-wild and will need to be caught.

An advert in you local thread, in this forum, might work, too:

If those two fail, then you may be able to hand post an ad at a local feed store or TSC. Call and ask.

You will have to decide if you want to catch them first, or let the new owners catch them. But it is a good idea to give them some food and water in the meantime to keep them around so a new owner can get to them when that person visits. A net with a long handle is a good way to catch them, or, if you have a cage or pet carrier, you can leave a little trail of food up to its opening and then a dish inside, and then trap them that way.

Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck. There aren't many people in the world that would show such concern for stray chickens.

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