Refugee Chickens

They look in marvelous shape, not starving, not sick.

Mrs K
You think? I don't really know.. they seem plump and sleek to me, very shiny.

I would feel differently if they were starving.. or seemed ill.. I know that is a risk with them wandering around freely... but for now.. I THINK they seem ok..

I was worried about the rooster with green feet.. but I do see green feet on the girls too.

I don't want rooster fights.. but I'm not seeing that.. mostly the hens seem to be rude.

It's very interesting to watch.. the two larger males seem to act like tag team body guards.. one will hangout with the group, and the other roams around pecking. If a girl wanders near the road he chases her back. Then they switch..

They sit right together on the rail... but only 1 crows..

The third is much smaller and doesn't get on the rail at all.

I've been peaking under the porch.. It's hard, if they see or hear me they all all run out.

They are sitting on the bare ground.... I put a long board under there, up on a couple of blocks.. It doesn't seem they want to sit on that..

Husband says I am an ineffectual human that does not know the minds and hearts of chickens.. They scoff at my efforts and sit where they like.. They have the whole environment to choose from... they like sitting on the ground under they porch.. I need to stop trying to influence them with my thinly disguised efforts to increase their comfort.. 'Look at them woman! they are fine!'

He also did not allow me to trespass on the neighbor's land after dark.... I could have went anyway.. but ... if a rescue was needed, I would never hear the end of it..

So... I thought if they don't have a house with nests, they just won't lay eggs.. so then there's no need for the males to fight. Is that correct?

Can the chicken decide to lay eggs or not? What's this about a stuck egg??? Does it get stuck if there's no nest to put it in?? I don't want that!
You think? I don't really know.. they seem plump and sleek to me, very shiny.

I was worried about the rooster with green feet.. but I do see green feet on the girls too.

So... I thought if they don't have a house with nests, they just won't lay eggs.. so then there's no need for the males to fight. Is that correct?

Can the chicken decide to lay eggs or not? What's this about a stuck egg??? Does it get stuck if there's no nest to put it in?? I don't want that!

So some things:
I agree that the flock looks happy, healthy and well fed.

The green is just the skin color, there's nothing wrong with his legs. I have thickens with green legs, yellow legs, white legs, and blue legs. (not all at once on the same bird. LOL) Although, my Wyandotte's legs are yellow, but one joint is dark, almost black.

Chickens do not need coops or nest boxes to lay. They will lay when they have to, and they have to, and will build a nest wherever they feel comfortable. They will probably go back to the same place every day to lay. The roosters will fight, simply for the chance to mate, to have their genes go on to the next generation, to prove their strong enough for their genes to go on... has nothing to do with eggs being laid.
The roosters will fight, simply for the chance to mate, to have their genes go on to the next generation, to prove their strong enough for their genes to go on... has nothing to do with eggs being laid.

Oh... that seems unfortunate..

At first I thought they only fight when people make them.. now I get that they will fight each other without a human goading them..

So.... do the hens go into heat.. and that's when I might see the males fight each other?

They are so regal.. and almost majestic looking.. the golden feathers and long tails of black rainbow feathers.. I can't imagine them fighting.. they seem to be diligent protectors, working together..

Husband says they will fight.. and I will not like to see.. "you're gonna fall out of love with that crap quick"

I think they won't fight.. they seem like they've figured out how to be in the world.. maybe being transient doesn't leave room for petty male posturing? I'm reaching, I know.. they are going to fight.. everyone says... : ((
Oh... that seems unfortunate..

At first I thought they only fight when people make them.. now I get that they will fight each other without a human goading them..

So.... do the hens go into heat.. and that's when I might see the males fight each other?

They are so regal.. and almost majestic looking.. the golden feathers and long tails of black rainbow feathers.. I can't imagine them fighting.. they seem to be diligent protectors, working together..

Husband says they will fight.. and I will not like to see.. "you're gonna fall out of love with that crap quick"

I think they won't fight.. they seem like they've figured out how to be in the world.. maybe being transient doesn't leave room for petty male posturing? I'm reaching, I know.. they are going to fight.. everyone says... : ((

No, chickens do not go in heat. Some breeds, the ones closest to game breeds, lay less often then some other breeds, like orpingtons, which can lay every day. And a rooster isn't necessary for laying. I've had my flock for almost two years, and only one year of it did I have a rooster.
I'm in upstate South Carolina.

I don't know if I want chickens... but I do know I don't want these chickens to suffer. Not really interested in eggs. They are very pretty and seem to have interesting personalities. I'm afraid I'm imprinting myself!

Can animal control help me?? Someone told me they don't do chickens because they are hard to catch.. Would animal control kill them?

Our dog groomer (little in house pug) has lots of animals, chickens, even ducks! When I asked her she said her chickens don't even sleep in the chicken houses, they prefer trees and they are hardy, I shouldn't worry about the cold/wind/rain/ice..

I have no experience with chickens. I have, in the past, gotten sucked into wounded birds, fostering pups and kittens, and generally feeling sorry for lost beasties. We have 3 acres so creatures come through often..

Most folks give me the advice to wait it out, the cold/predators will resolve this problem.. but I do not have the nerves for it..

It got really cold last night.. I watched them tree by the driveway.. Husband firmly put his foot down, they can't come in the house (not that I would.. but does his motorcycle need all the shed??)

at 4 am this morning went out and clicked on the big light, the roosters started in and I could hear the females and burst into tears so relieved they made it through the night! I can't just wait around for them to die!!

Aren't you just the sweetest? Here's along distance hug from Central California! :hugs
Oh... that seems unfortunate..

At first I thought they only fight when people make them.. now I get that they will fight each other without a human goading them..

So.... do the hens go into heat.. and that's when I might see the males fight each other?

They are so regal.. and almost majestic looking.. the golden feathers and long tails of black rainbow feathers.. I can't imagine them fighting.. they seem to be diligent protectors, working together..

Husband says they will fight.. and I will not like to see.. "you're gonna fall out of love with that crap quick"

I think they won't fight.. they seem like they've figured out how to be in the world.. maybe being transient doesn't leave room for petty male posturing? I'm reaching, I know.. they are going to fight.. everyone says... : ((
It is time to get this over with. Call up the local animal control people and inform them of what people on the site indicate the chickens are and what is expected of males allowed to stay together through maturity. Suggest the birds be destroyed.
It is time to get this over with.

Well that's really disheartening.. I get enough of that at home..

I feel like I got good advice here and was just enjoying chatting about them. It was nice to be humored and not chastised about my soft heartedness..

I appreciate all the kind comments : )

Is there a different channel I could chat in? Or is my situation just not going to be tolerated?
Some will commiserate, some are more pragmatic.
Take what you want and scroll past the rest.
I know what the outcome of this will be with all the lovey dovey talk without taking any real responsibility. Then hell and damnation will be expressed as the birds cause each other grievous harm. It is like watching a Jurassic Park movie where plot always takes the same course and some characters want to be popular at any cost.
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He's just concerned that the warnings given concerning the fighting behavior of these birds isnt being taken serious and there is going to be an incident that could have otherwise been avoided that will further sully the image of these birds.

you can block any users you dont want input from

good luck

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