Refugee Chickens

This not a trolling issue. Rather, you have experienced people that know what is up with this type of situation. I keep a good number of the type of bird involved and have a lot of experience that very much parallels what OP is observing.

It is apparent no one even scrutenized what I took time to present. That means someone is being close-minded.

Maybe a moderator should put me in my place for trying to do the right thing.
Or maybe we should all just get along. I always appreciate your input and knowledge, @centrarchid . I hope you didn't misconstrue my post. As Is my wont, I was trying to be conciliatory. Gotta be me...
This not a trolling issue. Rather, you have experienced people that know what is up with this type of situation. I keep a good number of the type of bird involved and have a lot of experience that very much parallels what OP is observing.

It is apparent no one even scrutenized what I took time to present. That means someone is being close-minded.

Maybe a moderator should put me in my place for trying to do the right thing.
I know you have gamebirds and I know that you are experienced with these birds and there behaviour. I just want to try and explore all other options before animal control get called and advised to cull them. Only the op knows her circumstances exactly and what can or cannot be tolerated regarding these birds. I'm a very much live and let live person and I know this isn't always the best approach but I'd hate to see a bunch of healthy birds be needlessly culled. There us no trolling here! Just healthy debate on the best way forward for these chickens and the op!
I'm the one who mentioned trolling. And just for posterity's sake, I said that there were no trolls on BYC as far as I've experienced.

No I'll go straight to my room and think about what I did.
I'm the one who mentioned trolling. And just for posterity's sake, I said that there were no trolls on BYC as far as I've experienced.

No I'll go straight to my room and think about what I did.
It's difficult to get the tone of what or how someone is trying to say something when it's just typed letters on a forum. Sometimes things get missread or missunderstood or a typo can change a whole sentence. This thread has had disagreements but all in the hope of providing the op with a solution. I too have never had any one troll me or be difficult on here. It's what makes byc such a great place! :)
I know you have gamebirds and I know that you are experienced with these birds and there behaviour. I just want to try and explore all other options before animal control get called and advised to cull them. Only the op knows her circumstances exactly and what can or cannot be tolerated regarding these birds. I'm a very much live and let live person and I know this isn't always the best approach but I'd hate to see a bunch of healthy birds be needlessly culled. There us no trolling here! Just healthy debate on the best way forward for these chickens and the op!
My earlier postings on the subject were not considered which is why I suggested destroying the birds. That was the only post that caught anyone's attention through that point. You are not getting the point either, the males will cull each other. They will kill each other, those not chickens like you are used to.
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ok... I don't know how to quote all the replies...

I would never block someone from sharing... Yes I'm hard headed, yes I'm resistant. Yes, I hope to participate in adult, respectful debate. I've truly tried to be aware of the pitfalls with msg boards.

I would not expect a mod to interfere with this thread.. No one has been ugly, rude or inappropriate. I haven't asked for that and sure don't want it.. so please don't block/close or mess with this thread unless we've done something against the TOS..

To those of you on different sides of this issues, please be kind to each other.. work together to help me.. or write me off.. but please don't fuss with each other here. I was so lucky to find this board... lets' not sully it or the chickens with any being mean.. love each other please.. even if you don't agree!

Let me say again... BOLDLY

I appreciate all the advice, stories, and opinions. I can not make good decisions without information. Even if I don't agree.. especially if I don't agree, I want to hear you all.

I appreciate the frustration the more experienced folks must be feeling. I'm sure it seems cut and dry, to you my stubbornness must be excruciating, you see heartache for me and suffering for the chickens coming and I'm sticking my head in the sand and pretending it doesn't apply, that I'm special, I'm an exception... We all know how rare and unlikely that is..

I really appreciate the kind words, and the the well-meaning encouragement. It really helps when I'm feeling like a fool, and when I go out to the porch and see them.. so pretty, so clever and interesting.. to think on the kind encouraging posts.. giving me hope I could find a way for everyone to be ok and happy..

SO how about an update..

Husband continues to be frustrated with me ; ) . We talked more about his chicken experience.. He said they 100 (!!!!) chickens on his farm growing up... It's all wheelbarrows full of poop and fighting to get eggs. I honestly sat there stunned... I had asked, why a wheelbarrow.. like how much poop can they make.. and he said ..well.. we always had about 100.. if they quite laying we eat them! 0o0

He thinks they need a nest box and little house.. but is very firm 2 boys would have to go.. and I would have to take care of the house.. I've been looking at the little houses, they make a plastic one! I don't want to clean up chicken poop... not at all... Not on a lark.. not for fun.. not even for the love of the cute little things...

Over the last few nights they've slept here once.. it was totally our fault.. they were headed out about 430 and we came out on the porch.. they all ran back and then never left that night. Other than that, they have been sleeping at what I hope is their home.

I wonder each morning (some days I don't see them at all!) if they will come and still be together and they so far they are!

The males do act very oddly.. more like dogs to me.. they patrol the edges.. if one goes toward the road they surround her and drive her back.. It seems like they try to herd them.. and usually it works, but sometimes it seems like the girls go where ever and the males seem so exasperated!

So let me ask this... what's the deal with the eggs? Is it harmful to the chicken to not have a place to lay eggs? I'm not clear.. He says they will lay on the ground if they have to.. they won't hold it until they get sick... but he can't say if they decide to lay, or if it just happens to them.. I'm hoping they have a place somewhere..

I caught him feeding them scraps... so the purity is broken... now they will never stop visiting.. I didn't do it, he did... and I'll not let him forget.. nor do I think they should be eating corn pieces and potato skins that had salt and butter on them! They did come back the next day and seemed fine.. but I bet he was praying nothing got them that night because I would go to my grave believing he made them sick!

Unrelated.. perhaps.. there is a duck somewhere close.. it's new.. and loud.. I'm wondering if the prepper is building out some livestock.. I could totally see that being a free range situation over there.. I expect to hear goats next ; )

So.. gentle reader, I leave you here.. wishing the very best holiday for you and your family!

Here's a picture of me with our 8th grandchild (finally a girl!!!) ... yes.. all the kids got chicken themed gifts this year..


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You are getting there, but check this out.

I can't figure out how to unquote.. sorry!

Thank you. I know it took effort to present that post and I really appreciate it. I've read the other posts you shared and I'm truly awed by your dedication and so grateful for folks like you that will take the time to help and share your knowledge.

I'm not disregarding it, I thank you for it and will give it all the true weight and consideration it deserves.

Thank you for myself, and all the others that will follow.. never give up on us!

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