Refugee Chickens

I do not see signs of fighting on him. Damage appears to be in the upper part of the left leg. A sicle / streamer feather of tail looks broken / straight and secondaries on right wing are messed up. Such damage I would consider more related to improper handling like trying carry him improperly by legs or being stuck in some thing for a while. The kind of stuck I am thinking is being in a live trap for a day or so, or a sack.
He's definitely favoring left leg, not too bad tho....have had birds get worse sprain/strains from skirmishing, can take a good while to heal up totally.
He sure is pretty and shiny! But, y'all are right - help doesn't look too badly injured.

And I can see that cotton very clearly. (See? I am learning. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!)
Oh I'm heartbroken!

I turned into the driveway yesterday and limpy rooster was headed across the neighbor's yard. I stopped so he wouldn't get scared and just as he reached the ditch a shot rang out.. he was hit. The neighbor came out and finished him.

I was standing in the middle of the driveway sobbing.. he kept assuring me it was quick. They ate it... they invited me.. I couldn't.

Seems the rest of the neighbors aren't having the luck I am.. their porches are covered with poop and seems the roosters have been fighting on their porches.. He said they can't bear it anymore.

They did call animal control.. and did set a trap (The injuries he had I guess) and have been climbing the tree at night to try to get them. They are too smart.. Appears there is a neighborhood wide effort to get rid of them... They left me out... prob because they know how soft hearted I am...

I feel terrible... I supposed it's justice that I had to see it.. my heart is broken.. I know it's best.. he wasn't roosting.. he surely was in pain.. better that a predator didn't play with him.. it was quick.. but I'm so sad.. and I know they are after the rest of them..

I called out to folks that offered to help previously.. they all say if we can't catch them they won't be able to either..

I begged them to leave 1 rooster.. to take care of the hens... I don't know.. I feel sooooo bad..

Prevailing thought is they do/did belong to the 'prepper', though they call him the meth head... prob best I don't go over there..
Seems the rest of the neighbors aren't having the luck I am.. their porches are covered with poop and seems the roosters have been fighting on their porches.. He said they can't bear it anymore.

This is the sad reality when there's domesticated animals on the loose and no one wants to claim them. While you obviously enjoyed seeing them, others didn't like having their property soiled and all the ruckus.
What a turn of events! I feel for you - I would have been horrified. So I guess that means they don't belong to your neighbor, then.

What I heard over my sobbing (yes everyone came out..) was alot of nasty comments about how he doesn't keep his animals penned and how they don't care if he is upset.

They are hiding under my porch alot.. My cousin (landlord of the rentals on the other side) has been climbing the tree in her yard when they roost there.. she says they keep moving up.. Husband gave her permission to try when they are in our tree..

This has been a horrible experience. Yes, I feel terribly guilty for taking the pleasure in seeing them and enjoying them.. when everyone else is intent on killing them.. I feel terrible that folks are being disturbed.. and I did go look at the porch.. it's terrible.. there are feathers and poop everywhere..

I'm off my feed... I don't know that I'll ever eat chicken again.. I can't stop seeing him getting shot... I feel so responsible, and foolish for being so naive ... thinking that everything was ok, because I wasn't having troubles.. so selfish.. : (

It's not that I care more about the chickens than the folks that live around me.. it's just that I feel soooo bad for them.. they didn't ask to have a bad owner.. they didn't choose this .. they are just trying to survive and .... and ... I'm too lazy and selfish to adopt them to save them..

I don't want chickens.. I don't want eggs.. I've read these boards.. it's horrific.. mites, clogged eggs, horrible diseases.. fret and worry.. how does anyone do this and stay sane.. The worry would kill me. We don't have pets now for that reason.. I don't want the responsibility of caring for a creature that can't tell me what's wrong with it! I can't deal with a disposable pet.. We did a pug and it was surgery after surgery.. constant worry and uncertainty .. I can't do that anymore, I'm too old, it hurts my heart to see a creature suffer :(

I really do appreciate you all.. it helps to have a place to vent and not be ridiculed for caring about what happens to a chicken. I've learned alot on this board.. and recommended it to anyone with any interest in chickens.

I hope you'll stay with me to the bitter end gentle reader...

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