Refugee Chickens

I'm sorry this has happened to you. It is awful to read. These chickens weren't your responsibility. Your neighbour has alot to answer for if it has caused this much of a problem for the rest of your neighbours. Irresponsible owners can cause alot of upset, problems and give responsible owners a bad name. True, you enjoyed seeing them, I would, but don't feel its your fault because you couldn't take them. Don't feel that all chickens are hard work, for the best part my family, myself and all the people I know on this site get an awful lot of enjoyment from there birds. They can and do get problems but that can be said for any animal or pet. I was really hoping for a better outcome for these birds. What happened to the rest of them?
This whole thing is getting to be difficult to believe. The postings are getting to be like very well written lyrics intended to stimulate negative emotions in the reader. It all a bad dream, with no good humans in the entire narrative.
This whole thing is getting to be difficult to believe. The postings are getting to be like very well written lyrics intended to stimulate negative emotions in the reader. It all a bad dream, with no good humans in the entire narrative.
If you refer to my post I was trying to sympathise with the op. It's not been a good experience for anyone.
Wow... sorry you feel that way.

Thank you for the `well written`, I've been working on that.

Unfortunately, you don't get a vote on the credibility of my situation. It's very real to me. I'm living it. I'm a fairly dramatic creature and it comes out.. I'm also really struggling with the emotions of this.. that's not yours to judge.

I suppose I can understand your disgust.. I was resistant and stubborn.. frankly selfish. Trying to own that here. Acknowledge I handled it horribly..

I really don't need or want your sympathy.. I was using the forum to share my experience (how ever gruesome/farfetched/stupid you may find it)

To be honest, I was comforted by your interest in this thread.. while it's clear you are quite gruff, impatient and stern, it was also clear you are knowledgeable, respected and seem to want to contribute.

I didn't follow your advice.. I'm paying the price now.. That should be enough punishment to satisfy you.. no need to rub it and be cruel...

I hate to say this, and I've been out of the loop on this thread for a while... I'm not surprised at what's happening, and I'm not surprised by OPs reaction. That's why I had suggested way back in the beginning when her friend was going to take them that she not be there to watch. They can make it sound like they're dying when you catch them... cause in their mind they are.
But, meat is meat. It comes from animals. I apologize for your reactions, and feel bad for you, I really do. I don't understand your reactions, but I can empathize with them.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't grow up on a farm, I've never had to butcher animals. I've already lost two of my chickens, birds I've raised... that yes I really like. But they aren't part of my family, they're livestock. If, when I get to the point of letting my broodies brood a clutch, and if/when I have too many roosters, they're going to go into the pot. Because livestock = meat = food.
I've been tasked with assessing how friendly they are and to get closer when I give snacks..

Normally I'm safe up on the porch and they gather below me. Today I threw a whole cup of seeds off the porch, then ran out the back door and around. They were still there.. I was able to walk past them, but then something happened.. the whole group freaked out.. Everyone made it back to the tree and are currently rustling around in the leaves.

You'll notice I didn't scream.. very proud of that since I'll have to share this video with my cousin. I still think I could throw a blanket over the rail onto them...

My understanding is that she is going to set up a pen (?) in my yard, I'll bait it.. then watch for them to go in (?) and then I'm to close it up? trap them in? I think it will need to be big and have a lid... I almost wonder if I'm being humored while those with guns plot...

With all the energy spent discussing blueberry flavored bald eagles and other nonsense I'm hoping for good advice here.. what food will make them friendly? What I can use to hasten this train wreck to it's expected ending? What is chicken junk food?


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