Regarding kindness I am going to out someone right now.


It's so nice to read good things about people!!!
I NEEDED to read this today! We are going through some pretty bad finances right now, and it just reminds me to be thankful for all that we have.

My girls are healthy, DH and I are happy (most of the time lol) and we have a wonderful family

BYC is the best!
omg, {blush}

I did not even see this Debi. Things have been crazy here this week so I haven't been around much and it never occurred to me you would make a POST about the shoes. My son is having a procedure to drain some of the excess spinal fluid tomorrow, and one of my pullets got hurt and I've been nursing her, among a zillion other things, so I've had my hands full. Is it any wonder my short term memory is shot lately?
He will be okay. We do not expect tomorrow's procedure to be successful. The chances are very low, but it is the most minimally invasive. He is having surgery on the 23rd to correct the problem hopefully permanently, and for that, they must go into his cranium again. I will be glad when this is over and we are simply having the yearly MRIs to check for tumor growth. {sigh} My son is so brave.
How beautiful that you would think of someone else when you have so much on your mind. May all be well with your son.

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