Regarding the Horses in our lives...

His breeding right have been sold for millions, so is it possible that he had surgery to bring the other testicle down? Or that that retained testicle descended later?

He certainly didn't seem to be hard to handle on TV yesterday.
From what I understand, a testicle that doesn't descend on time doesn't develop properly; there is some uncertainty about whether that is an effect or possibly the cause of it not being where it's supposed to be. So it sounds like there wouldn't be much point in bringing it down (unless it was done early and it was just barely out of place), because it probably wouldn't produce viable sperm anyway.

Of course, as long as a stallion can produce viable sperm, it doesn't terribly much matter whether he has one or two, he can still make babies. As far as I know, Secretariat had two; he did have a problem with a lot of immature sperm in the sample when he was fertility tested. Lloyd's of London wanted more proof before they would ensure his fertility as a stallion; one of the test mares he was bred to was a registered Appaloosa. Secretariat's first foal was an Appaloosa named First Secretary:
Does the Jockey Club allow AI yet?


OH mann I forgot about that...


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