Regarding the Horses in our lives...

Very interesting conversation, entertaining as well.
If American Pharoah is a crypto, isn't that inherited? If he's heavily used that could do a lot damage to the sport.

Way back in dogs if they only had one they were monorchids, if they had none they called them crypto - they had to have both or be disqualified. I heard stories about a particular vet in Indiana that used to do surgery to insert a second one, where there was none. Allegedly the owner showed the dog some time later and got disqualified because the real one finally came down and the dog had THREE. I don't believe that tale. But I do know some vets where famous for correcting bad bites, etc.

All of this and more -caused me to be sick of the goings on at dog shows, and I got out early.
He was awesome, pulling on the jockey the whole way, and finishing with lots of gas in the tank still, ears up and happy! What an amazing horse.

I was interested to learn that American Pharaoh is a breed of quail.....
When I was a kid, dad bought a pony stallion at a sale. He was beautiful, but when castrating time came, he only had one descended testicle. The vet removed it, he claimed he couldn't find the other one. When all the swelling went down, the second one dropped. The vet said maybe when he swelled, it helped shift the 'lost' one so it could 'fall' down. That always sounded a little strange to me. But, I was right there watching when he took out the second one.
I've seen babies get the operation for an undescended testicle. They pull them down and anchor them with thread. Hopefully it's not a problem for a horse.
When I was a kid, dad bought a pony stallion at a sale. He was beautiful, but when castrating time came, he only had one descended testicle. The vet removed it, he claimed he couldn't find the other one. When all the swelling went down, the second one dropped. The vet said maybe when he swelled, it helped shift the 'lost' one so it could 'fall' down. That always sounded a little strange to me. But, I was right there watching when he took out the second one.
I've heard that undescended testicles are a not uncommon problem in pony breeds; I know they are a relatively frequent headache in miniature horses. Part of the issue is just where the hangup occurs. If it is just inside the inguinal ring, sometimes they do come down on their own at a later date; some put off gelding a colt with only one down in hopes that it will prove to be one of these "late bloomers." Going hunting in the body for one that is well and truly lost can get expensive; I suspect that there are quite a few unregistered minis that are still entire simply because of a missing testicle that nobody wants to pay a vet to find and remove.

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