reintroducing a roo to the flock


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 22, 2008
We had an incident last Friday where something got after the chickens even though they were in their fenced in pen. I think it was a feral cat that is known to hang around. So, when all the chickens panicked (and boy did they panic!) I believe one of the roos hurt his leg. When I realized on Saturday that he was limping very badly, I took him out and looked for all the usual injuries and not finding any assumed he hurt it when he panicked. He's been in my garage ever since and I think he's ready to go back out with the others. Can I just put him back in there since he's only been gone for 5 days? I have 2 roos and only 10 hens but so far my roos don't don't really fight with each other although they have raised their feathers at each other. The hurt roo is definately the passive one. Should I worry that the other hens and roo have forgotten him and will pick on him or can I just put him back in the run and they will think he's been on vacation somewhere? It's probably a stupid question but I just don't know how to reintroduce him. My chickens are just 19 weeks old. Thanks in advance for all the help!
It seems you should be able to put him back in, they should not of forgotten him after only 5 days. Just keep an eye for awhile and see how it goes. Is his leg better now?
Yes his leg is much better, he's not limping but starting today, as he walks he stretches it in front of him. Maybe it's still a little stiff or something. I will keep a close eye on him because I don't want anything to happen to him, he's a little sweetie.
Well I put him back in there last night right before bed and my big Light Brahma roo immediately went for him bit him in the neck and held him down until I could pull him off of William. So, poor William will have to stay in the garage for a few more days until I get my second coop finished and he can then shack up with a few of his own girls!
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