Reintroducing Goslings to Parents


May 9, 2020
Our brown Chinese goose hatched out four goslings just over two weeks ago. We ended up setting them up in a brooder inside our house because we had freezing temperatures, and they were staying in the chicken coop with too curious hens.
We want to reintroduce the goslings to their parents. Is there anything special I should be doing? Should I be afraid of them getting aggressive with their babies since they’ve been separated so long?
Our brown Chinese goose hatched out four goslings just over two weeks ago. We ended up setting them up in a brooder inside our house because we had freezing temperatures, and they were staying in the chicken coop with too curious hens.
We want to reintroduce the goslings to their parents. Is there anything special I should be doing? Should I be afraid of them getting aggressive with their babies since they’ve been separated so long?
Geese can be amazing when it comes to adopting babies.

I gave a few goslings to my American buff pair. The gander took to them immediately, and tended to them as though they were his own. The goose took a couple days to warm up, but they're her babies now.
Geese are pretty amazing. I'm hardly experienced, but I'd say to give it a whirl. You'll know right away if it isn't going to work.
Also, we love photos.
One thing I'd do... wait until your geese are outside. I tried bringing one into their house. No go at all!

Later I turned a couple goslings loose outside where they could see as they sauntered self-importantly along. The adults started hissing at me and spread their wings over the goslings and led them away from my evil influence. The babies followed, too, and are still following the adults (3 geese, 1 gander) around everywhere they go. I gave them eight 3 wk olds. They had 1 tiny hatchling already.

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