Rejoice the coop is done.....BUT...

Awww just give em a lil push and they will all be rolling in it in no time
Very nice coop and run.

I think if you wanted to speed things up, I would gently pick one up and put them in the sand.

I never had trouble with my first chickens coming out of the coop into the run. I had them in the coop for 3 wks until I finished the run so that may have something to do with it.

My silly ducks on the other hand. We got lots of rain here in the Pacific NW a couple weekends ago and I had mud were I had grass.

So I dragged two 3/4" rubber horse stall mats into their run. They were so affraid of the big black mats that they would fly over them to their night shelter and back. Wouldn't step foot on them. Wouldn't touch their food or water that were sitting near them.

I had to move the food and water. They wouldn't even go in their little pool with fresh water. At bedtime, I had to chase them down with the broom to get them to go in their shelter.

I sprinkled wood chips over the stall mats and it took them another 4 days to walk across them.

My goats don't like anything new either. I moved them from sleeping in the chicken run to their own 12 x 12 shelter and they cried their heads off for a good week.
You looks great!! Grapes are my go-to, no-fail treat. They LOVE them. I bet they'd jump out for some grapes.

Have fun, you guys did a great job on it
That's a cute pic of your little one
Lovely coop, so bright and cheery!! I agree with everyone else, throw something on the ground to get them to brave the waters. Maybe they think it's water and they're afraid of sinking!!
It took my girls about 5 days of coaxing and cajoling to get them off the "porch" of the coop and into the grass. At first it was 1 or 2, then 5-7 and finally all 25 went out and there was no turning back! I also lured them w/ treats to the jungle that is my yard though they were still slow to bite, pun intended!

Keep them at it and success will be yours

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