Release the chickens!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 14, 2009
I have 4 hens, each about 4-5 months old. Got them 2 weeks ago and they are my first chickens ever. They have a 4X3 coop that attaches to a 4X8 run, which should be plenty of space, but I'd like to let them wander our backyard when I'm at home.

And here is my question about chicken behavior....

Is it okay to let the girls free range a bit? will they be happy in our yard and go back into their coop when they need to? Or will I end up running through the streets after flapping hens?

We are in an urban setting, our yard is surrounded on 3 sides by a 6 ft fence and 1 side by a 3 foot fence. Our neighbors are all aware and supportive of our chicken adventure.

Opinions and advice welcome! THANKS!
Yes, now that they've had a few weeks to adjust to their new home, it is ok to let them free range a bit. Start by offering them to come out an hour or two before dark and see how it goes. They should return to their coop on their own at dusk. If they have a favorite treat, you could use that to lure them back in as well, if you run into trouble. But I've never had issues with flocks returning to their coop on their own.
Yup, they should stay in the yard and if you have a flyer, you can always clip one wing. They will return to the roost they are used to every night. I love free range chickens. It adds a lot to my enjoyment to see them loose in the yard. Have fun........Pop
On all 6 of my hens we clipped one wing before letting them loose and trained them to come when I call (they think I have food all the time now...)

I would worry about the 3 foot fence, but they won't clear a 6 foot fence if they have one wing clipped... they might if they don't have a clipped wing though. I know mine could get at least 5 foot high just by a small flap before wing clipping.
just read about clipping a wing...I have a Iowa Blue that insist on "flying" out of the run. How do you clip their wings??
Yes to the learning centre link.

You will need a second person to help you, one to hold the hen securely and help you open up the wing, the other to use the scissors.

Have a nice sharp pair of scissors so you cut the feathers cleanly and don't mangle them or they may pick excessively at the places you cut.

When we did it, I held the bird while my partner cut. I'd hold my hen in a "football grip" then gently ease out her wing so it is outstretched and then you can see the line to follow to cut only the flight feathers. Just like in the diagram on the learning centre.
That three foot fence won't keep out a roaming neighborhood dog. If you clip your chickens' wings, they will be easy prey for anything that gets into your yard.

Something to think about.
"trained" my greedy birds to a yellow plastic cup for treats. I have no fence to my garden/yard and am nervous about roaming dogs. Most people are decent about keeping theirs contained and leashed, but others...well, I do the free-range bit when everyone is at work or school, early am or late pm. They keep in the veg garden or under the low-branched pear tree.
I haven't got a fence yet - got quoted $700 to survey our one acre suburban lot! Lost the back corners sometime over the last 20 years...and I'm not wasting the money to then have to move a fence later because I guessed wrong. Nor do I wish to weed my neighbors!

I envy the fence you have, but yes, a 3 foot fence won't slow down flying chickens or random dogs. I'd keep a good watch over them. And watch for hawks too. I don't clip my birds wings so they still might have a chance. Slim chance but..
You can also train them to react to a specific phrase. For instance, I clap my hands loudly twice and then say "Chickens in!" I follow behind them making a shooing motion and repeat "Chickens in!". The head hen usually leads the way and the roo goes last. The 12 week olds are just starting to get this. I've had a couple of people ask me how I get the flock back into their run and they laugh, until they see me do it.

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