Relocated from Sonora, CA to Kamiah, Idaho.

Hi! Welcome to Back Yard Chickens, from Eastern MA! Glad you joined.
You can look for others in your area, using the Forums button at the top of every page. Look for "Where Am I?/ Where Are You?" to find the various state threads!
If there are hawks and eagles in your area, please consider putting some kind of netting at least over the tops of your runs. Bantams are very vulnerable to aerial predators!
Oh there are all kinds of hawks, all sizes, also eagles once in a while. There’s a little hawk camped out around our wood shed where we have a bird feeder. Big ones come by and try to catch the quail. We feed them under the 4x4’s trailer and they seem to like the protection. Do you think a 4x8’ walk in coop would be better or one you can’t go in, clean from the outside? I’ve never had one of those. I plan on having 6.
Do you think a 4x8’ walk in coop would be better or one you can’t go in, clean from the outside? I’ve never had one of those. I plan on having 6.
After having both styles, I would only suggest a walk-in coop. Having a walk-in coop helps in soooo many ways.

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