Remembering Boba


Jesus Loves You
May 25, 2020
Western Washington
I’m completely devastated. My little Silkie, Boba, was lost to some unknown predator today. If you follow on my Cloudy Days in the Coop thread, you’d know that Boba had been a part of my flock as of this year and was the sweetest, most lovable little hen. Thank you to all of the people who helped me figure out what happened on this thread:
Boba was always a joy in my life, and she always seemed to know when I needed a hug, or when I just needed a hen to snuggle. I remember bringing her home as a chick, and from the moment she looked at me, I knew we were going to have a great friendship. And we did. I just...wish that I didn’t have to let her go so soon. My heart feels torn and wounded, like it will never heal. I’ve lost so many this year, and now just feels like I can never get over it. But taking it one day at a time, remembering my happy memories I shared with her, and surrounding myself with those I love will hopefully help my heart mend. Rest in Peace, my little girl.
You may have left me in life, but you are still very much alive in my heart, with the memories, the love, the laughter, the joy that you gave me. I’ll love you forever and never forget you, Boba.



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