Rent paid and we were not here to collect.


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 24, 2008
Austin, TX
The last of our hens is now laying. The hold out was my 5 year old daughter's pet, a Buff Cochin named Gold Diamond.

This weekend a couple of neighbor kids, with dad's help, were feeding our pets while we made the rounds of family Christmas parties. They called me Sunday morning wondering why they had found 4 eggs in with our 3 hens and why one egg was much smaller. I explained that the Cochin had likely laid her first egg and that is why was a lot smaller than my mature bird's eggs. The dad sounded a little worried that something was wrong with a bird but I assured him that all was well. And now that we are home and I see the little egg, I am sure that is what has happened.

I had to teach the neighbor, a Kansas farm boy, a lot about my Texas backyard chickens!
wait so he put an egg in there im tired and slow this morning
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That is actually quite awesome that he called you with a concern. He's a great chicken-sitter!!
I think the cochin had it planned- " Hmmm family is gone, I'm gonna lay my first egg so they miss it" The neighbor being worried was just an extra LOL
i got it now you will have to teach him a bantam egg o ok thx for explaining

edited for same time post
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Sorry for the confusion. Early here, too.

The neighbor stopped by a day or so after we left, so the oldest bird had laid twice in that time. The Cochin is a standard sized bird, but her first egg was way smaller than the other eggs in the coop, which led to his concern.

For the record we have awesome neighbors and they make really great pet sitters.
One of my young birds just laid a first egg - They are much smaller. The yolk is the size of a marble and she is standard size SLW too!
Congrats on your first egg from the last to start laying! May your future be full cartons of eggs on a regular basis!
Marissa Swim chick

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