Rescue hen no feather growth

Muts & co

5 Years
Jun 27, 2018
Hello, I would like some advice. Last November I adopted 3 commercial laying hens so they would not be culled. Two barely had feathers on back, bottom and legs. They kept laying daily, but did not seem to grow new feathers.
I put supplements in their water and one started growing feathers. She is nearly fully feathered now. The other hen kept laying but did not seem to grow new feathers. She is kept separate in a small run inside the big run in the mornings.
I give here chick crumb besides her layer pellets for extra protein. Her eggs are fine. She has had a period of laying less and started growing feathers then.
How can I encourage her body to focus on recovering instead of laying eggs?
Apologies for the long description.
How can I encourage her body to focus on recovering instead of laying eggs?
I would just leave her to acclimate to her new life and keep her with the other 2 hens. This late summer/ autumn, she should molt and grown her new plumage.

I would offer a can of tuna to them 3 times a week just to make sure they have quality protein.

When hens stop laying, for many different reasons, they do not need the extra calcium found in layer feed. That is why I've never fed it. Additionally, as you've discovered, layer feed does not offer optimal levels of protein. Just the minimum to keep the eggs flowing.

This is why I feed chick starter and fermented broiler mash year round for a combined average protein content of 20%. I will also supplement meat protein multiple times a week during the molt. I keep two containers of oyster shell available year round for free choice feeding for when they are laying eggs and need the extra calcium. I never have to change the way I feed and am always ready for chicks, pullets and non-laying hens as well as my rooster and any of his sons that grow up in the flock.

You can also use All Flock or Flock Raiser to achieve the same feeding strategy.
I would just leave her to acclimate to her new life and keep her with the other 2 hens. This late summer/ autumn, she should molt and grown her new plumage.

I would offer a can of tuna to them 3 times a week just to make sure they have quality protein.

When hens stop laying, for many different reasons, they do not need the extra calcium found in layer feed. That is why I've never fed it. Additionally, as you've discovered, layer feed does not offer optimal levels of protein. Just the minimum to keep the eggs flowing.

This is why I feed chick starter and fermented broiler mash year round for a combined average protein content of 20%. I will also supplement meat protein multiple times a week during the molt. I keep two containers of oyster shell available year round for free choice feeding for when they are laying eggs and need the extra calcium. I never have to change the way I feed and am always ready for chicks, pullets and non-laying hens as well as my rooster and any of his sons that grow up in the flock.

You can also use All Flock or Flock Raiser to achieve the same feeding strategy.
Thank you for your suggestions. I will definitely try the tuna. They have oystershells for extra calcium.
I did not know it is fine to give a higher protein food to hens that are laying. I knew to supplement during molt.That is why she is separate for a few hours, to eat extra protein. I will try your feed suggestions.
I am looking forward to seeing her fully feathered. As you can see, she needs it...


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Thank you for your suggestions. I will definitely try the tuna. They have oystershells for extra calcium.
I did not know it is fine to give a higher protein food to hens that are laying. I knew to supplement during molt.That is why she is separate for a few hours, to eat extra protein. I will try your feed suggestions.
I am looking forward to seeing her fully feathered. As you can see, she needs it...
Thank you for rescuing her and her flock mates. Please post an update this fall.

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