Rescued babies- I don't think these are pekins?


Enslaved by Indoor Ducks
11 Years
Nov 20, 2008
Chicago, IL
Hi everyone,

In my line of work I meet a lot of duck people and I recently met someone who saved two little babies from certain death at a local park. We are trying to figure out what kind of ducks they are. Normally I am really good at breed guessing, but I'm a bit baffled at these guys... Maybe you can help me out... It seems like one might be a runner and the other a white crested, but maybe they are both pekins? I just don't know... (they are the same size)


Here's a video of them as well If you got facebook (not sure how to imbed it here)-

I was thinking white crested too, since it's about the same size of the other one, and I can't think of a breed thats as big as a pekin that would have a brown face and belly. the darker one looks a lot more like a runner in the video....

How someone could ever dump these guys while still at baby maximum cuteness, I'll never know.... At least someone has taken them in and will love them. It almost makes me cry knowing they'll be loved now instead of eaten.
We had 2 that looked like pekins as ducklings (one is in my avatar) now they are grown and I'm pretty sure they're golden layers. In adolescence they looked like that non crested guy. Very cute!
Were they really abandoned or were they hatched by local ducks? You might have taken them away from their moms. They look like a few weeks old. April is when ducks hatch?

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