RESCUED, blue silkie chicks

I would have bought them any way but im so glad I found that add and that we rescued them I'm just a lil sad hat I didnt get there to save the other 2
but I love these 3 they are so sweet and loving

and that 3rd world country would be BARSTOW CA. LOL
I have thought about it and will prolly call in the morning
beleive me I had to stand there for a lil while and talk to the guy and actually found out he slaughters the adult silkies........who eats silkies? and I have thought about making a midnight trip out there with my truck and some gas ehem LOL! any one with me???
Actually, Silkies are highly prized for their medical qualities in China. A bowl of chicken soup that was made from a Silkie rather than another chicken is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to cure headaches and other things.

I don't think you should have even paid for the poor things...
Good for you for saving the poor things
Sometimes things happen for a reason and if it wern't for you those three chicks would alll have suffered the same fait as there siblings
I'm not upset about paying for them they are all happy and healthy and im very glad for that even if they did pass at least I would know they could go comfortably instead of in the conditions they were in.

I made a phone call to the barstow animal control and they said they would look into it but they said also it is a butcher shop so their will be animal parts around I said that may be but I want the conditions of the animals checked PLEASE!!! so all they said was it would be looked into cant say if it ever will all I can do is hope

wow so they do eat them.......but still its disgusting to think you hire someone to process your food and they do it in conditions like that and its just a feeding ground disease he don't even feed them rite he feeds the rabbits,goats,cows,and chickens bread......I think he was feeding it to the chicks to cuz they had NO idea what chick start was and wanted to eat dirt
Oh they are cute as the dickens. I think the man was beyond ignorant, he just didn't care. I'm wondering where he got blue silkies to begin with. Thank you for saving them. I have heard silkies are prized for their black bones also - probably by the same people that slaughter puppies to put on the menu. All I can think of is those poor babies liking to eat dirt. How very sad. I would imagine they are gonna have parasites coming from THAT place - they are so lucky thatyou rescued them.
I was thinking the same thing about having somekind of disease from there I have them in quarantine and I have been treating them with Vibactra plus (love this stuff) but idk if it works for parasites is there any thing else I can do? and also what are the warning signs of parasites I haven't ever dealt with them but them again my chickens have always been healthy I also have tetracycline on hand if that will work (the kind you put in water of course)

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