Rescued Hen - many issues


Jul 29, 2016
Hey everyone. We just rescued a hen today. We have a small flock of 6, 6 month old barred rocks. We rescued a white chicken (have no idea of breed) from an owner that had a flock of fifty and between wolves and a local dog this little hen was the last survivor. She was regularly laying daily white eggs and the owner thinks she is a little over a year old.

She is missing feathers on her belly, but I see no signs of mites. Her feet are in bad shape. Missing a few two nails (but not apparently a recent injury) and toes seem to be swollen or misshapen. She is nearly bald on the top of her head.

I have her quarantined in our garage. Plan on bathing her in the morning. According to the Storey's guide you can use flea and tick shampoo on them. I don't have that, but have some Dr. Bonner's Lavender liquid castile soap. Will that be ok?

She was shaking so badly when we got her in the crate to bring her home that I only grabbed a couple of quick photos.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

A bald patch on the chest and belly can be a sign that she was recently broody, but since she appears to have sore (breast blister) on her keel, both could be from roosting on the floor instead of a roost. Does she have a dark scab on her toe pad or on either footpad that is usually a sign of bumblefoot infection? Swollen feet can also be a sign of articular gout or mycoplasma synovitis.More pictures of her might help with breed identification and foot problems later on when she is less scared. Here is some info on Gout and MS:
She doesn't have any scabs, but her feet are swollen. Her skin was covered in black. I was thinking it was mites, but when I washed her nothing moved around. I did the best we could on bathing her. She is such rough shape I figured we may have to do it in stages. We got the first layer of gunk off of her. I thought she was totally white, but she isn't. We used a towel to pat her dry and did some blow drying and then let her go in the part of the yard our other chickens don't use to air out and dry out in the sun. She had a blast. She is back in quarantine preening.


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