Rescued Roo from next door (now known as Larry) (pics on post #30)


Flock Mistress
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Sep 6, 2007
Corydon, Indiana
I hate my neighbor. He's an idiot. He got chickens. Clueless. 5 Roos and a few hens. Anyway, one roo is injured and bleeding. His side is bleeding and his vent area. Should I offer to take him? I don't want to see him die, but he will
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If you offer to take the roo, will there be future problems with the neighbors? what are the animal cruelity laws in your area. i would offer to take him as someone has to watch out for our voiceless animals.
Janet, thankyou so much for taking the time to help me. I appreciate it.

I think the animal cruelty people won't do anything because the chickens have food, water, a coop and a pen. I think that's as far as it goes.

Anyway, I just got back. I did go over there and told them that the other chickens were going to kill him. I also told them that I can take him till he's better, but they have 6 more roos that will kill eachother. So they will have to rehome them. So they took 2 of the biggest bullies out and put them in the garage till tomorrow, then to the feed store, who takes chickens.

So that leaves them with 4 more. One is Morton, my old roo, a barred rock who's really nice. They have 2 game bird roos who aren't attacking anyone at this time. Then there's 2 more who may be hens or roos, I can't tell, their wattles and combs are not really as big and red as the other roos.

They are all vent pecked, some up to their chest underneath. That will be my next challange, to reduce his crowding, maybe the removal of 3 roos will make it better.
The sad thing is, if they are as clueless as you suggest, they may just go out come early spring and get more. I don't know the extent to their cluelessness (lol), but could you educate them a bit on the issues with too many roos, and how to handle wounds??? Maybe future birds they get will benefit... You can only take in so many ill-used chickens, and it's painful to watch animals being neglected/mismanaged...
I know, they are super clueless. But I can be a pain in the arse about it. Mr. speaks very little English, and he's very domineering, and screams alot. That's why I don't like him.

Well, that big white roo stinks so he'll get a bath tomorrow, wormed, powdered, and have his wounds treated. He doesn't realize how lucky he is, LOL
Just saw your thread, Karen. The people are idiots and obviously either don't care or feel helpless and have no idea how to care for their birds. I can't even read these types of stories or my blood pressure skyrockets. Lucky rooster to have someone who cares, even if it's not the owner.
Thanks, Cynthia. He's lucky, but he sure is ugly! My camera battery died, but I'll be taking pictures.

Cyn, I know what you mean. People like that make my blood boil as well, and I hate reading stories like mine. They live next door to me. Just my luck. I keep asking DH for a stockade fence, but he won't. I hope they smarten up since they now know that I am watching their chickens!
My neighbor gets chickens and lets them free range and does not lock them up at night and I can watch the fox come down every morning and go in the coop and get one and up the hill she goes.and then comes back for seconds.He has none now hope he does not get anymore,it infurates me that peaple are like that.

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