"rescued' yet another one... (graphic pictures)

Are you going to let her hatch some eggs or get her in Broody Jail? LOL. Oh Hope...
oh Hope, oh Hope, OH HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!! is right.... geeze... I have Chocolate Orp. eggs on hold until next spring, and my 12 week olds arent out of the secondary area I have set aside, so I think I am going to have to try and break her. I just cant do the typical broody jail with her. Not just after she has gotten her feathers in. I cant make her suffer! I am just going to have to keep going in and taking her off the nest and booting her outside as much as possible and hope for the best.
Yeah...I was wondering what you were going to do with her after such a history too....albeit your "Broody Jail" is probably much more humane than her previous living conditions.

Last November my BA, Holly, went broody. Did a Large Dog Kennel with a wire dryer rack to keep her off the floor and cool air under her belly. Lights on all night in the garage. Out on the lawn during the day to watch the others . Took two days of that until she snapped out of it. Bless her.
i have been somewhat lucky and have only had one go broody twice in the last 3 years. The first one i let her sit but nothing hatched. The second one (my Cochin) I tried to remove her a few times a day and after 20 days she finally gave up.Made sure she had food and water, removed her multiple times per day, took her outside repeatedly until she quit. I just dont have the heart to put them in a cage separated with the cold. I know, I know, it works good and all. Doesnt hurt them... but I just cant do that to her. not yet at least. If she doesnt give up, then we will see. lol

Although, 2 days is much quicker, and i bet a lot better. Might have to try it.
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Ya...I'd take holly out a couple times a day too and let her mix with the others a bit...then find her back down on the nest...LOL. Back in the kennel she'd go...do it again. She didn't seem to mind to horribly. She didn't seem too stressed out. Made sure she had plenty of food and water of course and she'd get more meal worm treats and such because she had my sympathy. LOL... "All I want is to have Roger's babies.....bah-wahhhhh" LOL.
OMG.. that's too funny. When I got home tonight she wasnt on the nest. I found her sitting crammed under the coop. I got her out and she didnt want to eat even mealworms. She would normally bite your hand off for mealworms. Oh man, I hope she is not getting sick.
I am hoping against Mareks. She was on the floor leaning to one side not really able to stand much, one leg starting to stretch out. She is the only one in my flock who is/was not vaccinated for it. I know I had an issue last year losing 2 chicks of 10 weeks old that i was suspect to Mareks. I made the mistake of buying them from someone who I have no clue about their history.

Other than that, I am worried that they may have gotten into something when free ranging the last week or so. Botulism?

Pale, wont eat, down on the ground, leaning to one side, weak, mucousy and runny funny colored poop (diahreah somewhat) but not all brown watery. some consistancy. Her head is up and no neck issues, looking around and aware.

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