Respiratory condition in my peachick?


10 Years
Feb 20, 2009
I noticed today that one of my IB Peachicks, around 4 months old, had some foam and what looks like thick saliva around her mouth. I also heard some gurgling sounds from her. Her neck, right under her beak, also looks a little swollen to me. This had to just happen today, because I spend a lot of time daily with them and she was fine yesterday, and even this morning. I thinking she may have a respiratory infection? I started her on Duramyacin 10 (spelling could be wrong) 3 teaspoons per gallon. I also isolated her from the others and started all of them on anti-biotics as well, since I don't know if it's contagious. I have been worming them monthly with Safegaurd (Fenbendazole) since their feet touched the ground, last worming was 3 weeks ago. Should I be giving her Duramyacin or worm her again, or both? She has lots of energy, I just want her to be well.
Keep up with the meds and see if she improves. If after a week, no improvement you may have to use something stronger. Their is a lot of posting in the Turkey Thread about sick turkeys. You would treat them similar. Best Wishes
Thank you, she is doing much better already. She has no symptoms at all now. I will continue to give her antibiotics for 10 days and keep a close eye on her.

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