Respiratory Illnesses?


9 Years
Oct 5, 2010
Owosso, MI
I just got a call from someone I sold nine month old pullets too, on Monday, saying they had respiratory illness and had swollen eyes and were gasping for breaths. He said it's built up overtime? However, I have introduced new birds to my flock with no problems, and have not had any other birds with this problem before. He also did transport them in the back of his vehicle with about 30 other chickens. Is it that I could have something laying dormant in my flock? Thanks in advance!
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It's probably nothing YOU did wrong, it's how HE's taking care of the birds. I'll bet he has them shut up tight in a box to "Keep them warm". A lack of good ventilation, literally letting them stew in their own vapors. Once they get sick in bad conditions, it only gets worse.
If he transported them with other chickens, they could have contracted something from those birds. No, it hasn't built up over time, it's either a virus (most likely) or a bacteria. If he uses cages over and over without disinfecting them, they could get germs off those, too.

There is the outside chance that your birds were carriers of some disease and the stress of being transported with other strange birds could have brought out whatever was dormant. If you have never had any respiratory illness in your flock, then I'd say it was whatever they were exposed to at his place. And JackE is correct, that in poorly ventilated coops, the bedding stays damp and ammonia builds up and that can cause eye and breathing problems and breed bacteria.
i think they ment the chickens were 9 months old

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