I set 42 eggs in the bator on September 18th and put 3 under a broody hen. (24 RIR and 20 Cochin) I candled on the 27th and removed 9 clear or blood ring eggs which brought the total down to 36. I then took the 3 from my broody and added them to the bator. I went into lock down on the 6th of October and much to my surprise they started hatching on the 7th. So now it is the 10th and I still have 8 cochins in the bator no pips in 24 hours so I am kind thinking I may have lost the last 8.
Anyway of the hatch I have Cochins 5 or 6 and 7 RIR chicks along with a bunch of odd chicks. (I bought what was supposed to be RIRs and I believe the seller mixed them with her Black Australorps) I end up with 24 babies I just wish all my cochins had hatched out. The humidity was 60-70% but some of the chicks ended up shrink-wrapped in the shell the last 8 cochins may be as well I crack a shell tomorrow to find out for sure. Attached are my pics.